No they were at a German flea market. The American mind can’t understand a continent of people with no means to move from spot to spot without walking.
The middle east? Where gasoline/petrol is almost free? Dude. Buddy. Pal. The arabs have so many fucking cars. It’s insane. UAE, SE, etc. so. Many. Cars.
I want to know how all the people in that picture deal with parking. They must have huge parking structures.
Wait, there’s a Christmas market here?
The world’s first
No they were at a German flea market. The American mind can’t understand a continent of people with no means to move from spot to spot without walking.
Stands to reasons, since most depictions of this Jesus character show him as VERY white and VERY European.
I love the idea of him telling a parable with a comical German accent.
“Da! Hullo! Wilkommen to mein sermon on mein mount!”
They have cars in the Middle East?
Oh. Wait. Just the Israelis.
The middle east? Where gasoline/petrol is almost free? Dude. Buddy. Pal. The arabs have so many fucking cars. It’s insane. UAE, SE, etc. so. Many. Cars.