The only thing I could think of with the whole “1000 Mozarts” comment is that there’s a very real chance that if the world Musk and Bezos envision came true, those Mozart level geniuses would be working in an Amazon fulfillment center or a Tesla assembly line, wasting their talents as a slave to capitalism.
That’s what they actually want anyway. Drones for their business ventures.
I was wondering what happened to the drone delivery Amazon promised… It all makes sense now…
That’s actually something that’s likely already happening, assuming they manage to even achieve that.
I guarantee there are tons of potential geniuses born that are never afforded the chance to develop or even demonstrate their abilities… and when they do, aren’t recognized. Either because they are from the dirty poors and/or the Moneybags family can just leverage their resources to ensure their kids get the opportunity or recognition instead.
If you don’t believe in fairness or equality, the potential benefits to yourself by way of improvements to society from geniuses should motivate you.
I’m so tired of the pattern of a well balanced society flourishing and then a few selfish fuckwads hoard resources and starve their society back into a stagnant imbalanced fief.
Since when do facts count as shitposts?
It’s an educational shitpost for people who think Luke Combs is the height of musical talent.
Who TF is Luke Combs?
Also, wishing you good luck!
Luke Combs is a shitty country music star who is definitely no Mozart.
I wouldn’t say he’s shitty, but he is not Mozart. At least he does co-write a lot of his songs unlike a lot of other popular musicians out there.
I think this is the creme de la creme of shitposts.
The idea that population numbers are all it takes is so stupid. Mozart is not just one guy who was really good at writing music. I mean, obviously, he literally was, but he only existed and wrote what he did in the way he did because of not only his own “genius” but also the circumstances he was raised in, his education, the musical traditions that he drew from, the fact that he was wealthy and had time… Etc etc.
Adding more people living in poverty, with poor education, no connection to musical or artistic tradition, and no time… Will not add more Mozarts.
“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops”
- Stephen Jay Gould
They said multiple Mozarts. Ween also checks those boxes.
There’s probably quite a few that are really only known to their immediate friends, families, and communities.
There are a lot of really talented people out there, who will remain mostly anonymous. It’s probably nicer for most to not be in the limelight, though it sucks for the rest of us who will never know.
There are exceptions, but in general, in the modern music world, beauty trumps talent. You could be a great musician, but if you don’t look pretty on YouTube, the A&R people think no one wants to hear you.
I think modern media can offset that a little. There’s been plenty of people making use of virtual avatars to represent themselves in the past few years and still achieve decent success. Though obviously you’re quite limited in what you can do if you remain anonymous.
I recall a few years ago a singer rather like that, REOL, made her first music video which she herself starred in and it kind of did accelerate her popularity. It’s hard to remain anonymous if you’re also looking to tour and be on stage. As an aside; it’s delightful how her “face debut” song is about how she’s unsure how she wants to do her debut.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. dun. dun. dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundundun dun dun dun dun dun dun.
Fuck it I’ll die on the same hill with you.
I’m a simple man. I see Weird Al, I upvote.
The hill is going to be a hill of bodies.
You shall have my axe
There are well over thousands who have skills beyond Mozart today. The few who become well known are determined by very different things, having skills like Mozart is almost irrelevant. He’s also just sort of the token “music talent” example for people who don’t listen to music, often goes with the idea “classical music” is when music peaked.
The “gifted piano prodigy” I grew up with is a burnout in his 30s. There’s an unassuming data analyst I work with who likely exceeds his skill and just teaches on the side. My local symphony had to cancel this season due to lack of sales. A band at the jazz school my brother attended (BBNG) got sampled by a rapper and were a breakthrough success. This is sorta what it looks like for the Mozarts of today.
Weird Al, sure.
But also Jack Black.
You just made Mozart sound cooler to me.
My votes would have been for Freddy Mercury (definitely) and Eddy Van Halen
Arjen Anthony Lucassen for sure!
He popped to my mind very quickly as well. Let’s go down the list:
- Significant talent, dedication and skill
Would say, though I’d say he especially shines in composition and getting the right people to shine.
- Write music across a bunch of different contemporary genres
Basing yourself on prog metal is kind of cheating in that respect xD
Seriously though, the genres within albums, or sometimes single songs, of his can be a bit of a rollercoaster. If another reader is still drawing a blank, The Day That The World Breaks Down
- Draws from the work of others
Isn’t that basically the standard for most musicians? And also, in the aforementioned track’s clip, he specifically refers to a few inspirations. And moments when he let his collaborators do their thing and shine. “Hey Mike, here are your lyrics:
01110100 01110010 01110101 01110011 01110100 01010100 01001000 00110001
, go nuts!”- Shitposting and odd outfits
Have you been at Live Beneath The Waves? His girlfriend got an applause, his brother was heckled & booed, and his keyboard guy was called a LUL by the entire audience. All at his request.
Arjen checks the boxes pretty well.
Wrong place to post - this is just high quality content
I mean it’s not wrong. Kind of incredible really.
Really, the only way he doesn’t fit is that he doesn’t have the massive ego Mozart had. That, and I guess he’s not quite as dirty. Mozart once wrote of piece of music called “Lick My Ass.”
He actually wrote 2 of those. For the sake of education, let’s provide the complete text of one (via
Lick my a… right already,
lick it nice and clean,
lick it clean, lick my a…
That’s a greasy desire,
only well lubricated with butter,
the licking of the roast my daily do.
Three lick more than two,
go ahead, take the test
and lick, lick, lick.
Everyone licks his own a…
The phrase, aka the Swabian Salute, had been popularized a few years earlier in Goethe’s quite successful play Götz von Berlichingen. It is the knight’s reply to a demand for surrender. Götz may be more famous for his “iron fist/iron hand”, a prosthetic hand (at least, I saw a post about it trending on reddit a few years back). Two prosthetics that are thought to have belonged to him, may be seen in a museum. He lived ~1480-1562 and lost his hand, according to his autobiography, in 1504 to a field artillery shell when he besieged a Bavarian town.
Interesting! Thanks for the background!
This post has so much BDE.
Incredibly based.
I feel Damon Albarn might fit this as well, specifically with Gorillaz. They don’t have a style because it always changes on each album, hell their shit post song if the full version of Do Ya Thang where Andre 3000 just says “I’m the shit” for over 7 minutes.
Christmas At Ground zero is the best Christmas song ever!
The video is fun too. Not the best Al video, but an entertaining compilation of 1950s civil defense footage.