I’ve had to clean up a depressing amount of comments in this thread so this is everyones friendly reminder.
Rule 1 - Be civil. Don’t attack people for their beliefs or lackthereof.
Rule 2 - No politics.
Report all offending content please.
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I mean, considering what happened next in this episode…
As a boomer, I don’t recall my parents teaching me anything about prejudice, the same at school. The only guidance on prejudice came from my religious education (I’m RC by birth) and to be honest it was completely the opposite to this sentiment. We were taught, for example, that Protestants were evil and that we should never befriend them or trust them.
I stopped going to church when I was about 11, it no longer felt relevant and the teachings were against my own personal beliefs. I had grown up with friends who were of different faiths, Jewish, Protestant, Muslim as well as Catholic, and didn’t consider them to be anything other than buddies.
Some religious teachings have value, but by promoting prejudice as well, the impact is diminished. The only times I have been in church since I was 11 were for weddings and funerals.
Right, they’re not a problem for me. We could get along all day but I’m a problem to them as a gay atheist.
E: I’d really like to know why the downvotes. I’ve literally been discriminated against for one or the other by religious people alike for the exact same reasons regardless of creed. I’m not just gonna forget that to sing along to kumbaya and pretend the world is rosy.
I feel this. I’ve met a few exceptions (including my sister, who is wonderful and my best friend), but much of the time I can only get along with religious people until they find out I’m queer. It’s pretty uncommon, at least where I live, to meet a religious person who’d even want to be friends with me, knowing that.
Right! Like the moderator up top said don’t criticize people for their beliefs. Are you fucking kidding me?! So their belief that you should be killed is OK?
Hell, my Jewish friends be hanging out with my Muslim friends.
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