My beloved Mighty Boosh DVDs can’t be played in the USA! WHAT CAN I DO!?! FYI I’ve had some wine and I can’t googly it properly
I’d say, since you already own the DVD, it’s ok to download it’s contents from a piracy website…
Now that is a workaround
Back in the day a good workaround was to go buy the cheapest off brand sketchy dvd player you could find. The manufacturers were so cheap they never implemented region locking.
Some regular ones also had a unlock code if you called the manufacturer and complained
Aiwa is great for this. Often these are in thrift stores/goodwill for $5
If you were somewhere else you could use MakeMKV to break the region lock/DRM on the disc and give you playable files. Unfortunately, within the USA (depending on who you ask) cracking DRM is illegal. Though I am not aware of anyone ever being prosecuted for breaking DRM on discs for personal use copies of media they legally own. IANAL
Do we give a fuck? Do it OP
If anyone knows, has this been proven in court if it’s done to rip a copy of something you own?
Realistically nobody’s coming after you for that unless you do it on an industrial scale for profit
I know. It’s still a valid question because it affects how the devs for ripping programs implement stuff.
there’s a program called Handbrake you can just rip it. you have to get a program to get around right protection, but I can’t remember what it’s called
Everyone has very 2003 solutions. This comment is the modern and best solution that costs nothing (unless you don’t have a disc drive). MakeMKV or Handbrake it.
Step 1: MakeMKV
Step 2: Handbrake to AV1/Opus
You download them from somewhere :)
TIL that DVDs could even be regionally locked. That’s annoying.
Yea, you can see why, but it is such a hassle for people like OP. I used to have cassette tapes of a really good audiobook of the Lord of the Rings (something like 12 cassettes in a set!), but I just pirated a copy and dotched the cassettes because I had paid for that, and my copy would be awful quality. I have to say this kind of approach, as suggested elsewhere in these comments, seems the only logical outcome for this problem, it’s pretty silly.
Honestly I don’t see why DVDs need to be region locked
It stops people from importing DVDs from regions where it’s cheaper.
It’s easy.
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Is DVD43 still around?
Maybe a cheap VPN would work