Using 12 and 16 makes for easier maths (pre-calculators). It’s easier to divide and get an integer. With easy access to calculators and highly precise measurements (especially digital systems) metric makes more sense and is easier to interpret quickly.
The damn imperial system and its weird 1/16 measurements. Why do you people hate 10 step counting?
10 isn’t the best base and I’m sick of pretending it is.
I would pick base 12. Which would you prefer?
Base 12 crew represent.
base 60 Babylonian gang where you at
Base 60 has too many symbols for the digits
Base 12 you only need two more symbols to follow 9
Yeah but it doesn’t have the same schwag as base 60
I mean base 60 would be cool and all, but it would be unwieldy
skill issue
Indeed. I think you don’t want a number system that children can’t use
Base twelve already works great in our number names, with eleven and twelve being individually named unlike the teens
Base 60
Base six
Base 12 has some aweful divisions, like 1/5th and 1/7th
Hexadecimal is always best.
It doesn’t divide by 3
Granted, but it divides by two multiple times. Take a good, round number like 1024 and you can halve it 10 times in a row.
The metric system handles thirds by just using multiples. Like, you buy a 1200 wide benchtop and then you can fit a three 400 drawers under it.
You could technically do the same in hex and the base numbers are all (x^y + x^(y+1)) which represent well.
Decimal thirds suck. One gets 33c the second gets 33c the third gets 34c
We’re just lucky that 1c is negligible
Using 12 and 16 makes for easier maths (pre-calculators). It’s easier to divide and get an integer. With easy access to calculators and highly precise measurements (especially digital systems) metric makes more sense and is easier to interpret quickly.
16 is a power of two. Half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth.
The main problem is they reduce the goddamn fraction. Let me have my 8/16th wrench.
If you start a new job in a garage you will absolutely be asked to go get one.
I always liked to send new guys to the parts crib for a spool of flight line. Sometimes they’d come back with safety wire.
Because shut up. That’s why.
Why do you people feel the need to be able to convert between the thickness of a human hair and the distance between cities?
Ah yes, this bolt is .000001 kilometers wide. That’s a very useful thing you guys did. Definitely need that in every day life.
Stop, you’re making us Americans look even stupider.
Let them be! I deserve a chuckle every now and then :)