Tell you what, I don’t really care either way. I currently have three separate streaming services. Netflix, Disney and Amazon. Including a patreon monthly subscription and one only fans I really like for a total of five.
However I want to watch The Big Bang Theory. I’m just not willing to subscribe to yet another unaffiliated streaming service for one TV show!
Just for the sake of organization and convenience I travel the high seas for the show I want to watch!
It’s not that I don’t necessarily want to pay or I want to steal the intellectual property it’s just that there’s no significant incentive for me to watch the Big bang theory outside of the way that I’m currently going to acquire it.
You deserve to be in jail.
Not because of the copyright infringement or whatever, just your choice in what to watch.
What’s wrong with BBT?
The laugh track, the stereotypes, the lack of humour…
Simplify that to “Piracy isn’t stealing”. Copyright infringement (so-called piracy) is very different from stealing.
Sure, if “buying” isn’t permanent despite assurance it was at the time, then copyright infringement is even more justified. But, copyright infringement isn’t and has never been stealing.
it’s a bit hypocritical that big companies complain about piracy when they are no better than Blackbeard, xxx-sama and Akainu combined.
i mean, they have hijacked the system so they can set the rules, their lawyers are law crackers, they take advantages of artists to buy their copyright for pennies and making millions of it, they scam us with DLC’s, fees, dark patterns; they steal our private info, images, text creations, etc. to sell it or use it for AI development; and they also limit our access to the internet and technology by banning third party apps, modding, using anything related to their patents…
sorry but if i was a law enforcer, they would be the first ones i would chase after.
Yes, but then you realize it isn’t lucrative because of said lawyers.
This writer seems like a proper neck beard. I 100% agree with most of what they say, but this feels like it’s straight out of 4channEdit: I read a few other articles of his and watch a few of his videos/interviews. This article is an extreme side of him apparently. I still think he is extremely socially awkward, he can’t hold eye contact for longer than a millisecond and struggles to answer questions in less than twenty words.
I do fully agree with almost everything I’ve heard him say. I just don’t like the way he says it.
Cory doctorow is a god damn national treasure
He might be, but I still get unpleasant vibes from how he writes.
Sorry to hear that, hope you get better soon
He is the nerdiest nerd ever. That’s why he’s long seen what is going on and has been trying to save us.
So what? Software freedom is more of a meritocracy than most things (but not entirely). They had Richard freaking Stallman who eats his toenails while giving lectures.
Can we just let people do whatever they want as long as they don’t kill people? If you want to pirate go on idc about your reasons, if you want to buy/rent/subscribe then go on idc about your philosophy, people is having too much time to debate this
Why are you on a piracy discussion board if you don’t want to engage in piracy discussion?
Totally, if you want to profit gauge from the population, that’s you’re thing. These executives worked hard getting into the privileged position they’re in, they should be allowed to take advantage of it. People are just whiny right?