With fighting raging around Khan Younis and in the north of Gaza, a video has emerged on social media showing dozens of Palestinian men detained by Israel.
With fighting raging around Khan Younis and in the north of Gaza, a video has emerged on social media showing dozens of Palestinian men detained by Israel.
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Simple math comes to mind 1200 killed vs 17.000+, that’s about 14 times more.
Shall we also talk about the displacement of millions of people who were forced out of their homes, are struggling to get food, proper health care, and not having fuel or electricity. Are not able to escape outside Gaza.
What Hamas did was horrible, but shall we not expect a bit higher standards from Israel?
Didn’t they actively cause a humanitarian catastrophe affecting 2.4Mln people, half of which are children. Aren’t the Gazans struggling to get the basics like food and water? Do they have proper sanitation, electricity, or fuel? And who’s to blame all of this? Who is bombing their homes, preventing adequate quantities of food and water to reach the civilians, who is blocking international aid, besieging hospitals and have very little respect for human lives? Damn, even your closest ally is telling you that what you are doing is wrong and you still claim that Israel has the high moral ground.
Yes 7th of October was disastrous but what Israel is doing is nothing less than collective punishment and for any sane person this should be pretty obvious. You don’t need to be a genius to see that one evil doesn’t excuse another evil.
I’m sorry wtf is this logic? One side only killed 1700 so the other is immoral if they kill more than 1700???
This my friend is called common sense and basic empathy. You know empathy not only towards Israelis, but also towards Palestinians. Because every life matters no matter the religion, colour, ethnicity, etc.
Ok so you’re missing my point. If there are two groups of people living side by side and one group decide to murder 10 people from the other group, you’re trying to say it’s immoral if the other group kills more than 10??? Am I getting this insanity correct? We skip over the whole deciding to murder 10 people in the first place and we start our ethical counters only once the retaliating group hits what the original murderers deem as reasonable retribution? If it’s overstepped, now is when the immorality begins? This has the most retarded parts of eye for an eye written all over it. No man has the moral judgment for eye for an eye to be functional. Of course lots of people think they do and then fail to understand why others think they were unreasonable in their retaliation.
Two groups of people living side by side? Way to omit 75 years of suffering in a single stroke.
Suck my Wang indeed.
My point still stands. As long as retribution must be dished out there will be no peace. Doesn’t matter who started it or how long ago it started. The thing that matters most is that both sides act in good faith today and move towards peace. Your comment only focuses on pay back. I’m not saying these things don’t matter at all simply that they are less important than acting in good faith and moving towards peace
I’m only saying your comments clearly miss out on this important point. Take it or leave it.
That was intentional yes
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Thanks, Hitler.
Think about what you’re saying
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You said supplies were pouring into Gaza. This is an obvious lie.
Why do you lie?
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We know for a fact that humanitarian aid going into Gaza is not enough. It’s not pouring in. That’s a lie and you have nothing to prove it. A militant group stockpiling supplies for itself has nothing to do with 2.3mil starving people.
But to answer your question referring the 17 last years, since maybe you missed the memo, but apparently Israel and Bibi are those who funded Hamas.
Otherwise, Israel denied hospitals and dying patients electricity, bombed their solar panels, blew up their infrastructure including access to oxygen.
No, supplies are not pouring into Gaza, just lies pouring our of your mouth.
Oh, can you please answer the following questions:
And now replace Israelis with Gazans and answer the same questions.
Oh so now you are openly admitting that Israel isn’t any better than a terrorist organization. Well done mate!
Saying that 50-60 trucks a day even 200 can satisfy the needs of 2.4Mln people is very hypocritical of you. Don’t forget that Israel isn’t doing anything to alleviate this situation and quite the opposite trying to make it even worse, punishing again civilian population. Mind you there aren’t any established humanitarian corridors, designated safe places, the north is more or less entirely cut and delivering aid there is next to impossible etc. so how easy would be to distribute this aid.
And speaking of economical recovery, if you think that Israel would have a hard time to recover tell me how much harder that recovery would be in Gaza. Where in the north according to independent estimates 50-60% of the civilian infrastructure is damaged and 20% in the south.
And by now it is quite obvious that you are extremely biased. But yes, still thinking that Israel are the only victim here and they are not to blame for anything. Not even for the impunity of violent settlers with which they are persecuting Palestinians in the West bank, or any other well documented human rights violations, which all those “corrupted” human rights watch groups have documented.
You know when everyone is saying that you are not doing enough to protect civilian population in Gaza, even your closest ally the US is saying this is time to look very good in the mirror and ask yourself whether they are all wrong or perhaps you are in the wrong.
Just no.
This reasoning is literally the kind of stuff we hanged Nazis for. Collective punishment is a war crime. Leave the civilians alone.