With fighting raging around Khan Younis and in the north of Gaza, a video has emerged on social media showing dozens of Palestinian men detained by Israel.

  • filister@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Oh, can you please answer the following questions:

    • How many Israelis are currently displaced?
    • How many Israelis lost their houses?
    • How many Israelis are living in makeshift tents or sleeping on the floor of hospitals?
    • How many Israelis don’t have access to drinking water, or electricity or fuel or food?
    • How many Israelis needed to evacuate on foot because of lack of fuel?
    • Can displaced Israelis leave Israel easily?
    • How many times did Israelis evacuate?
    • How many Israelis are actively bombed? And by actively bombed I mean hundreds being killed everyday?
    • How many Israelis don’t have access to proper healthcare?

    And now replace Israelis with Gazans and answer the same questions.

    Why would you expect this?

    Oh so now you are openly admitting that Israel isn’t any better than a terrorist organization. Well done mate!

    Saying that 50-60 trucks a day even 200 can satisfy the needs of 2.4Mln people is very hypocritical of you. Don’t forget that Israel isn’t doing anything to alleviate this situation and quite the opposite trying to make it even worse, punishing again civilian population. Mind you there aren’t any established humanitarian corridors, designated safe places, the north is more or less entirely cut and delivering aid there is next to impossible etc. so how easy would be to distribute this aid.

    And speaking of economical recovery, if you think that Israel would have a hard time to recover tell me how much harder that recovery would be in Gaza. Where in the north according to independent estimates 50-60% of the civilian infrastructure is damaged and 20% in the south.

    And by now it is quite obvious that you are extremely biased. But yes, still thinking that Israel are the only victim here and they are not to blame for anything. Not even for the impunity of violent settlers with which they are persecuting Palestinians in the West bank, or any other well documented human rights violations, which all those “corrupted” human rights watch groups have documented.

    You know when everyone is saying that you are not doing enough to protect civilian population in Gaza, even your closest ally the US is saying this is time to look very good in the mirror and ask yourself whether they are all wrong or perhaps you are in the wrong.