Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.
Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.
Where do you live where you can afford chicken to begin with? I’m semi vegetarian just because of absurd meat prices.
Costco rotisserie chicken
But you gotta pay the membership fee. Only worth it if you spend enough to cover that fee in rebates and savings; and then shopping at Costco isn’t what I would call “poor”, but maybe it works out?
There are other grocery stores that have hot food bars and sell the rotisserie chicken, too.
Unfortunately we don’t have those in my country
In Portugal a whole raw chicken is around 3.5€, about 0.45% of a minimum wage.
Minimum wage per what? Month?
Apparently so. €760 per month is the minimum monthly wage in Portugal. Works out at less than €5 per hour if you assume 160 hours per month which seems very low. For reference, Ireland is €11.30. While cost of living is higher here you can still pick up a full uncooked chicken for around €5 depending on the shop.
Local supermarket here does 4 chicken legs for €2.55.
A whole chicken in the US costs between 12-16 dollars depending in weight. The price literally doubled over the last couple years
How big is a chicken there though?
About 5-6 pounds. Bigger ones get close to 7 pounds. So like 2-3.5 kg
Before Covid they were 99 cents a pound, now it’s about 2.50/lb
Thanks. Yeah that is a big assed chicken for Ireland tbh but it’s still more expensive overall.
I feel like you guys have been badly burned by price gouging. I remember seeing a thing on Reddit about egg prices skyrocketing and they had barely budged here so I found it odd.
The price of most groceries have at least doubled. I can still get store brand eggs for about $1.50 a dozen but other brands are easily 3+ dollars now. Meanwhile supermarkets are posting record profits.
This is correct.
The kg of raw chicken here is currently at 2.34€ at the two biggest supermarket chains, a whole chicken is usually 1.5kg.