Hate to be a spoilsport but this is just for fun, not a real thing.
Like the fear of long words = Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
This name given is really evil
- Which phobia do you have?
It’s kinda of a joke name, the scientific name is sesquipedaliophobia, just a smidge over four letters.
This people also never learn German
the guys who invented phobia names are all evil.
I present: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia:
Fear of long wordsFear of robotic dogs.
That’s just normal
Forget the shooty dog thing!
Are these kinds of phobias legit stuff people have? As phobias?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t phobias supposed to be irrationally terrifying fears?
We’re also using phobia to refer to irrational hatred now, apparently, so that could be more common.
This confused me even more. Homophobia and transphobia don’t make any sense unless the hatred comes from irrational fear.
Doesnt phobia treatment usually involve some sort of exposure therapy? Call me crazy, but making the name a palindrome itself seems like a clever part of the treatment, as even discussing the phobia would help provide exposure, and work towards a cure. (Assuming it’s a real thing…)
No one’s actually afraid of palindromes, it’s a joke phobia.
There are 8 billion people on this planet. At least one of them has to have had a traumatic experience while listening to Bob.
“The average Anus can stretch from 5-8 inches, therefore a racoon can crawl up your ass as they can fit through 4 inch passages. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN”