Best enjoyed by on CRAIG monitor powered by three to four AAA! pkcell bat-trees.
Dreams of dinguses and Frank😴
Go on…
Have you ever wanted to watch a funny aussie man put old manky headphones on an Amp made to push sound at supermarkets
I’m gonna one-grit that red button so hard…
He is a bit lovely to fall asleep to, until he starts yelling about like a rock or something.
Just like bigclive
The SpongeBob talisman mp3 player video
Wade is a fucking treasure!
Cheap nuggets, drum things, cool music sampling old Simpsons episodes, gameplays of the worst imaginable videogames, Frank…
There’s much to love in his trash network of channels.
I need link to this quality entertainment!
He has a bunch of channels. He doesn’t do ipods so much anymore but they do make appearances.
That bloke is amazing lmao
I just found myself watching a 15 minute video about Polaroids…thanks a bunch!
Me at 2am:
Watching this post
You can turn off the reddit water mark when you save images from there. :)
Ah man, big love for Dank pods!! ❤️
I like Dankpods but I find his videos too short to fall asleep to. For me nothing beats a long winded 3 hour long lecture on the lore surrounding Warhammer 40k.