The Toyota previa is the best vehicle for any friend of DeSoto.
The Toyota previa is the best vehicle for any friend of DeSoto.
Play it! I loved it.
Watch out for those scorpions
Especially if you live outside of the US!
Our patient visits are set as 15 minute slots standard.
This isn’t enough time to practice good medicine for anything much more than something like a flu or strep throat. How does one squeeze in an entire rooming process followed by a solid HPI, physical, poc testing and then plan review with pt in 15 minutes?
They don’t.
But with how medicine works (in the US) it’s the how clinics make enough money to stay open.
For clarity: I work at a Federally Qualified Health Center, not a for profit clinic.
I’m not much of a car guy so my opinion only holds so much water but even the expensive cars are pretty underwhelming to me.
I want more cute cars. There are some out there but most things on the road look like bars of soap with wheels.
The gas, mileage sucked, but old cars definitely had more personality. I hate that all the new cars look like every other car on the road.
Looks like another crabs treasure got it right
They really did step up the gameplay.
Mods are what have made the replays for me. I’m on pc and doing a sim settlements 2 play-through after they just put out chapter 3.
That’s been a more compelling main storyline for me. Fully voiced with cut scenes and everything.
Kind of highlights fallout 4s biggest story frustration, for me anyway.
Even on my first playthrough I never felt tied to the prewar life or the family from it. I think 3 did a better job showing us why we should care about our dad and finding him that was absent in 4. After waking up and getting your bearings it was super weird going on tons of side quests and then in dialogue being so serious about finding your kid. I really enjoy fallout 4 but the kid aspect never has clicked for me.
I really love pod people. I introduced mst3k to my friends I made in college my freshman year with this and they didn’t think I was a huge weirdo! Instead they all just fell in love with trumpy.
but they have gagh instead of brisket
Best enjoyed by on CRAIG monitor powered by three to four AAA! pkcell bat-trees.
I mostly lurk or comment like this but I’ve found the community to be much better over here. I can’t see myself going back.
Honestly, I think everything about lower decks slaps. It’s felt much more like Star Trek than some of the newer shows that when it came out I was hooked instantly.
I’d vote for him. Any fan of Grimace is a man worthy of scientific praise.