I like Nickelback and I never understood the hate they got, even if they paid radio stations to play their songs or whatever the stupid controversy was.
There I said it.
I appreciate this. I’ve never understood bashing other people for their taste in music. I actually talked about liking Nickelback on the night I met my husband and all our friends chastised me for it but he asked what my favorite song of theirs was. Definitely think that’s a good quality in a person!
Dude same, I don’t understand the hate
Nickelback is a good metal band with a lot of bad B side country. Yeah, of course their country stuff is bad, it’s B side country. Everyone’s B side country is bad. That doesn’t make their metal hits any less good.
They’re not worth the hate, but most people think they’re brutally generic in an era where rock is losing its mainstream appeal. They definitely did at one point embody the “HEY YUH” butt rock sound of the 2000s. Their newer stuff I actually had to catch myself, it sounds metally, and then I was like “wait this is Nickleback???”
Komodo dragons don’t have venom. Their saliva is germ super food and a bite from them becomes gangrenous extra fast. With venom there might be a cure. Not so with Komodo.
They actually have both
This is a newish discovery due to the protections of the dragon and the location of the venom sack, at least from what I can remember.
Thank God someone else knew this and had a sorce to share!
With venom there might be a cure. Not so with Komodo.
This is also true about Nickelback.
In case of accidental Nickelback exposure, consult your local Hall & Oates.
Gosh, there are so many punchlines that would work better than this, that don’t judge others or insult a group for no reason.
“And I don’t recycle”
“And I don’t flush public toilets”
“And I don’t share chocolates at the staff Christmas party.”
Just heads up, mallards rape other ducks and fuck dead ducks so if you’re going to be oddly prudish about Nickleback hatred you should check your own username first.
It’s also a Choo-Choo that goes well fast, though!
And prudishness specifically refers to sexual matters, right? You must like Nickelback in a different kind of way, I guess.
There you go insulting a whole group of people who like to stick Nickelback up their asses.
How does it feel to be a hypocrite?
deleted by creator
Your first comment was much more interesting, it’s a shame you edited it to this boring statement.
Taste is not a trait.
Listening to Nickelback is indicative of a toxic trait.
Not responding to messages is toxic? That’s news to me.
IMO, the expectation that every solicitation should deserve the time of day is toxic.
Agreed. Not responding to messages is not a toxic trait. Annoying maybe, but not toxic.
TBH, that word got way overused for a few years and now it can mean anything even remotely bad. Not what it initially meant. So toxic.
My toxic trait is damage that starts out lower than poison, but slowly increases every turn.