The stock market has been decoupled from the real economy for years. There are interests who want all of us to make sacrifices when the stock market goes down, but I don’t agree with them.
Yeah they are always warning about the stock market and what we need to do to make it go up but most people don’t even own stock. Maybe in their 401k if they have one. Other than that the average person probably doesn’t care. I hardly even look at my 401k either. Let it tank I don’t care. I’ll probably work until I die anyways.
The point is other than real estate the 401k is all the middle class has for wealth.
Honestly, these researchers could have saved themselves some work and simply looked at the current income disparity to come to the same conclusion …
The crash is very much a part of the cycle. The rich siphon every single dollar they can during boom times, then increase their market share by buying out smaller, struggling competitors during crashes. And they use taxpayer money to fund their acquisitions.
The class war is over. We lost a long time ago.
It’s not over as long as the working class exists. Capital owners have addresses.
Last I checked, billionaires are still made of soft, fragile meat.
I have learned over the past 15 years that online liberal grumblers will find any excuse imaginable to avoid actually doing anything to defend themselves.
I’d argue that the class warfare is still raging on as an inborn human trait that happens to be partially expressed with our various economic systems throughout history. We can still win if we manage to breed out our hierarchical tendencies to a point where it’s not detrimental to our survival as a whole.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
- A Tale of Two Cities
I prefer A Sale of Two Titties
Would a crash lower house prices?
Sure, but you won’t be able to buy any. Hedge funds will hoover up all of the freed inventory faster than retail buyers can.
Then we nationalize the hedge funds and seize their property through eminent domain. Fuck their economy.
They own the politicians, bruh.
Not if we buy them first!
Oh, wait. Damn.
How do you plan on that happening?
Take power and use it.
No need to get into specifics at this point.
Depending on why it crashed, it might in some areas to some extent. It might also motivate a drop in rates which could cause prices to start spiking upwards. The biggest issue with house prices is supply has been constrained since the GFC, there hasn’t been enough housing built to meet demand. Until that changes I wouldn’t expect house prices to ever decline significantly or over a sustained period of time.
I would be really worried about that if I were in the investor class. Then again, I wouldn’t like myself very much, so I’m glad I’m not.
They’re never worried. An economic downturn is just an opportunity to them.
If there are two classes which are top priority for “rescuing” with public money, is Financiers and Wealthy Investors.
It’s the small fry that needs to worry, as invariably they’re the ones left holding the bag whenever a way overstreched Economy and associated La-la-Land of Rainbows & Ponies Stockmarket finally get pulled back by the reality that there is nowhere near enough real value in total to justifiy the total value implied by all those sky-high asset prices.
So many people’s retirements are in the stock market. This would screw over a ton of the working class too.
It did to me, because I have a locked-in pension from a former union job and after I quit I transferred it to my bank … who proceeded to tell me I had no choice but to put it into stocks. As of rn it’s finally back up to what I had in 2008.
I fucking hate the stock market.
This is by design. Retirements are more and more tied with risky markets because then the rich can hold everyone else hostage since it’s not just them feeling the pain of a market crash. The insanity has to stop at some point or we’re all going to be held hostage forever. Regardless, the amount that most individuals actually have is little and often isn’t enough to actually retire on anyway.
What’s the out that doesn’t see you screaming backwards thanks to inflation?
Safer investments like bonds used to be the way, but were subdued by near zero interest rates for so long.
So feudalism it is then?
We’ve seen this one before - can we skip past the decades of oppression and bloody revolt, and straight back to worker enfranchisement and something resembling a civilised, free, meritocratic society please?
What do you call what we have now, where the rich keep getting richer and everyone else just rents from them? Obviously inflation doesn’t stop feudalism.
Late-stage capitalism bordering on neo-feudalism.
I mean technically if you have a retirement fund you are probably invested.
I do not.
this last sugar rush was nuts, I’m still bearish but refuse to play anything. S&P chart looks like a meme stock.