The incendiary text was removed from the website of The Guardian after becoming a top-trending link
Here’s an archived version:
He raises some fair points about the shitty things the US has done in the Middle East and our continued unwavering support of Israel. But we can’t just Ctrl-Z 80 years of history and ignore that State of Israel now exists and will have to coexist with Palestine. He lost me when he started whining that no one would let him implement Shariah law.
The rest of it is tired antisemitic conspiracies along with calling on the US to convert to Islam and enshrine Shariah law into the Constitution. Thanks but no thanks: we already have enough religious nutjobs trying to turn the country into a theocracy and we don’t need more.
His cognitive dissonance is impressive. He calls for the murdering of American civilians, then a few paragraphs later demands that we convert to his religion since it preaches peace and mercy.
This is not a headline I expected to read today.
What the actual fuck? People can’t possibly think his word is worth anything more than sewage.
What do you mean? He’s saying why he attacked the US.
You may be falling into your tribalistic tendencies, again.
He murdered innocent civilians for the actions of the government. There are zero valid excuses or reasons for doing that. Sounds like you support terrorism.
I never excused him, but those are his reasons.
Sounds like you didn’t read my second sentence.
Sorry, are you suggesting he was right?
Point of clarification, he did not attack the US government or military. He murdered a bunch of folks going to work or taking a vacation, who just happened to be in the US at that moment.
People like garbage
Sorry couldn’t resist
Isn’t the Guardian a British publication and isn’t Israel a British colonial settler project
What did it say?
In essence, he declares the US to be an enemy because of their support for Israel.
That’s why this letter became viral now. That’s why you see people trying to downplay its significance.
Bunch of religious nutjob shit plus his greatest hits. I think it went viral because he described the relationship of the US, Israel and Palestine amidst the nutjob shit.
But as a wise man once said: you do not, under any circumstances, gotta give it to Al Qaeda