Edit: good to see I woke the shills
He’s already said he’s basically going to be 10 times worse if he gets reelected. I’m not sure why the people who support him think that’s a good thing. For a party that claims to love “freedom” they sure seem desperate to elect a fascist dictator
There are several different groups supporting him for different reasons. The biggest, I’d argue, is the slightly right very populist. They’re not into fascism per se, they just want a wrecking ball like Trump to go in and break apart the elite institutions they blame for all the problems and see no other way of influencing. There certainly are supporters who are encroaching on fascism territory. Then there’s long time Republicans who have flipped on a bunch of issues to try to get support from these people Trump activated.
Fascism is a president trying to take away constitutional rights like genocide Joe is with the second amendment and limiting gun rights. Trump has already said he won’t get involved in any foreign conflicts, which is far better than funding Israels genocide.
Just ask yourself who you’re going to have more rights under Trump or Biden, then you’ll see who the fascist dictator is.
It’s Trump. He’s essentially already said he wants to be a dictator. He’s started calling his opponents “vermin”, he’s stated on the record that he’s going to deploy the army on day 1 of his reelection to suppress any dissenters.
It’s not subtle
He’s going to destroy America so he can keep being the center of attention and make it illegal to disagree with him
There’s a certain document called the constitution that gives Americans the right to assemble and to free speech that not even the president can fuck with.
Are you more scared of a fascist president who’s intent on limiting your natural rights or trump because he said a scary word like vermin.
You’re honestly following too much left wing media, a more balanced approach to how you consume news will open your eyes up to what factors you need to consider before voting next year.
following too much left wing media
I’m referring to things that Donald Trump has actually said openly on camera. It’s literally all he talks about. It has nothing to do with who’s reporting it, these are the actual words Trump has said.
I’m not particularly a leftist, I consider myself to be a centrist. I don’t particularly love Joe Biden. That doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and vote for a cartoon super villain though
Are you more scared of a fascist president who’s intent on limiting your natural rights or trump because he said a scary word like vermin.
For funsies, in the same statement (iirc), trump said their “sad, miserable existence will be crushed.” But you’re right, nothing to worry about /s
Wait… so the Constitution will stop Trump from enacting his fascist agenda but it won’t stop Biden from taking away The Precious?
Ok. I will. This is Biden’s plan, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025
Weird, because that article talks a lot about Trump.
In fairness, it’s not Trump’s plan, either, it’s Heritage’s. They’re doing it for Trump, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Trump has never even heard of it. Lol
I will have more rights under Biden. There’s more to rights than guns. Like as a gay man if I lose my right to exist, that’s a bit harsher than my right to own something.
Never had a president actually affect my day to day life before. It was wild, No thanks to that ever again
Are you talking about covid or am I missing something?
Many people downvoted without replying anything wtf?
Weird. I guess people thought I was defending Trump?
Not gonna lie, being a nurse during a pandemic with that jackass as president broke something in me
“Thank you for your hard work!”
(But actually thanks, nurses are the best. How can we make your day better next time we’re in the hospital for something completely our own fault?)
At least he did Operation Warpspeed. Funny that some of his supporters turned on him for that.
Look on the positive side, if he comes back for a second term there’ll probably be death camps so you’ll be killed and won’t have to remember when he becomes president for life.
Put me in a Trump run death camp. Me and all my new pals will be living better than most Americans in the new order within a week. For sure would rather be there than a part of Gilead.
On one hand, I wonder what would make someone so disillusioned to believe Trump would be good for America. On the other hand, I read comments like yours and realize a lot of people are this dumb.
Oh? What did I say that is so dumb?
What would make someone so disillusioned to believe Trump would be good for America
The same exact things that made them disillusioned 6 years ago? Their life is getting worse at an accelerated pace and have been for many decades now. The “System” does not work for them and they are tired of pretending it does.
Despite ‘Bidenomics’ - we, the working class, are poorer now than we have ever been. Trump is still a hand grenade to throw at the establishment.
They don’t believe the Democrats have their best interests, and a substantial number don’t believe Republicans have their best interests at heart - which is why it’s Trump or Bust. Trump represents to them what Bernie represented to Democrats - actual change.
But it doesn’t really matter what I, or anyone else, says. You’ve already decided what you think about all of these people.
Trump is still a hand grenade to throw at the establishment.
They don’t believe the Democrats have their best interests, and a substantial number don’t believe Republicans have their best interests at heart - which is why it’s Trump or Bust.
This is fallacy. It may work to attract a certain type a voter but in practice Trump bends over backwards to appease the GOP. He lines his cabinet and campaign with GOP old guard and is set out to accomplish GOP policy goals. Not once in my interactions with any Trump supporters have they hinted at doing anything that wouldn’t be aligned with typical conservative ideology. Trump is the GOPs creation. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I cant believe how dysfunctional the us has become.
You actually voted for the biggest asshole and a retard to become president. He was wildly incompetent to the surprise of nobody. The country became a laughing stock. Secrets were leaked, justice compromised (even further), he attempted a literal coup. No, lets vote for him again.
We knew americans were dumb, but holy fuck. You need someone to protect you from yourselves because clearly your government is as caring as it is in russia. The entire population should be institutionalized.
Rage bait
Def. But the xenophobia and superiority complex on lemmy is outta pocket, tbh.
Once again pointing out that Trump never won the popular vote. Yes, we need to abolish the Electoral College. It favors the right wing unjustly and undermines the will of the people when it does not align with the popular vote.
Lots of people voted for him, yes. I’ll make the argument that things will actually get better as the folks whose cognitive abilities are negatively impacted by a century of burning leaded gasoline start to die off.
I believe it’s something like >95% of people born between 1945 and 1965 that have enough lead in their bodies to be cause for concern.Can’t remember exactly where I read this, but you can do your own Google-Fu.Striking those last couple sentences and just outright saying that over 90% of the entire population born between 1956 and 1976 were exposed to enough lead to raise medical concern in early childhood, according to the table below.
I’m also back to throw in the table/material I’m referencing. If I’m going to make assertions, I should back them up.
And the source: Half of US population exposed to adverse lead levels in early childhood
If you want some idea of how little we cared about lead exposure, just look up the Tar Creek Superfund Site., which turned three nearby populated areas into ghost towns. It’s been reported that children would play on the enormous mounds around Picher, Oklahoma, and those things were covered in lead dust.
Should… Should we bring democracy to the US by invading them?
Britain did brexit and a bunch of other countries elected right wing nut jobs in response to globalization, not just the us
Fuck off with the “all Americans” garbage you fucking idiot. I don’t even care that it’s obviously bait, anyone who ever implies I voted for that can just end themselves for all I care. Suffering through this shit then being blamed by brainless retards
Liberals: we need drastic change
Also liberals: how dare someone step out of line
Say what you want about Trump but he was one of the presidents ever
Some things sure did happen
Here you dropped this: worst
I mean andrew jackson was big into genocide.
Yeah, Trump was big into genocide too, of the Yemenese. He personally vetoed a bipartisan resolution passed by congress to condemn the Saudis for their genocide in Yemen
But then we see the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel happening right now, and Biden not only enthusiastically reiterates his support for Israel but works to punishe anyone showing support and solidarity with the victims.
And that is why Biden is polling so low right now.
Trump was literally an average/slightly below average president, he just said the quite part that you’re not supposed to say out loud all the time. He doesn’t have anything on Andrew Jackson, Reagan or Teddy Roosevelt.
I’d swap out Roosevelt for Nixon - Teddy’s interventionism set us on a bad path, but at least we got national parks and antitrust laws out of it. Nixon was just pure shit show start to finish.
You can add without swapping
Anyone else’s brain autofill an adjective here?
I remember the shitshow. Like in general everywhere and at all times.
He is polling above Biden in every single national poll somehow. Unless something drastic happens in the next 365, Trump will be the 47th POTUS. Americans have a really short memory.
This is not true. Boomer landline polls also had va going red and look how that worked out.
I think there’s a significant portion of the population that is unpollable and it’s really started to make things less certain.
What happened to, “you can’t trust the polls”? And, “see, Hillary”?
It’s nuts how short people’s memory is. It was just a few years ago that yahoos were invading our nation’s Capitol and Trump was orchestrating a coup. Now Republicans are trying to convince everyone that wasn’t really a coup, and have you considered BLM and scary trans people? Meanwhile the Trump camp has their 900 page plan to efficiently make the federal government into a right wing arm of the Republican Party.
Guess if Dems didn’t want that they’d give another candidate a genuine shot, but ol’ Genocide Joe needs his legacy. This’ll be it.
Unfortunately, the time for a better candidate was last election cycle. Incumbency advantage is too critical to give up.
That being said, voting harder won’t ever move America to the left, that has to be done at the grassroots level.
Incumbency advantage is too critical to give up.
At this point, what advantage? He’s been polling worse than Trump. He’s more of an anchor than an engine now.
That being said, voting harder won’t ever move America to the left, that has to be done at the grassroots level.
With Dems there’s always an excuse to do nothing and hope really hard for vague change later.
Incumbency advantage persists. Swapping to a new candidate would likely be worse, even if the candidate is better, purely based on electoralism.
Yes, the dems do nothing. This is better than Republicans, who do a lot of bad shit. Voting dem won’t fix issues, it will just prevent many more from cropping up. What fixes issues is grassroots praxis.
Incumbency advantage persists. Swapping to a new candidate would likely be worse, even if the candidate is better, purely based on electoralism.
I’m sure many people will be comforted by that when he loses.
Yes, the dems do nothing. This is better than Republicans, who do a lot of bad shit.
Read up on the Ratchet Effect.
What fixes issues is grassroots praxis.
I too, like vague undefined concepts that obfuscate real potential solutions.
It’s not about comfort, voting harder won’t meaningfully improve anything, just prevent it from getting worse.
I’m aware of the ratchet effect.
Do you want me to list out every meaningful thing you can do to improve your life and the lives of others? Advocate, unionize, organize, volunteer, start a community garden, work at a soup kitchen, educate yourself and others, help someone in need, etc. It isn’t that complicated, really, and your denial of actually doing shit to help and instead whine about how Biden is a Neoliberal ghoul (which I agree with) and therefore can’t beat a fascist (I disagree with this) is absurd.
Republicans actively laugh at protesters. If people are protesting, they think, “I’ve gotta be doing something right to be triggering the libs like this.”
/Grew up in a Republican household with all Republican extended family
In fact, the largest protests in history (to that date) were in opposition to starting the Iraq war. Fat load of good that did.
Democrats protest. Republicans vote. Guess who’s running the show.
If there is an invisible hand, it needs to stop this. I’ll stop talking to anyone under the age of 28 ever again because if even one of you doesn’t vote I just cannot forgive.
under the age of 28 ?
It makes extra sense because it includes ages 0-17
I am still lost
They’re assuming (probably correctly) that a lot of people under 28 won’t vote, and that (probably less correctly) they’d vote Democrat if they did vote. So if Trump wins and they pass a random 28 year old on the street, they’re thinking there’s a good chance that person is partially responsible for Trump’s win.
Appreciate the clarification
Trump was and is a total shitshow. Anybody says otherwise is okay with his crapulence. It’s just a matter of who they hate.
As someone from another side of the world 🌎 I have to say that it was quite funny. Like a memexplosion. Granted, he did fuck up everything possible, thus strengthened everyone else.
The only good thing he attempted was a TikTok ban. Should’ve been a short video ban
As someone on this side of the world, it was not funny at all.
no they’re right it was pretty funny
But “My Cartoon President” will come back, I can enjoy it until the apocalypse starts.
Yeah if you guys put him in office again, I’m just deleting all social media including lemmy. Fuuuuuck that [most times daily, some times HOURLY] noise. I already live in a very depressing country, don’t need Americans to remind me they’re making things worse.
Please please please just go vote. And get all your friends to do it too.
If all the trump detractors actually bother showing up to vote there will be no chance he’ll win.
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