I liked the one a while ago about making every blind person able to see again for exactly 6 hours before they go blind again
That sounded just viciously cruel
Those that were just getting to sleep for the night when he cast his wish…
Similarly, people who can’t walk can for a week. Just enough time to get moving again and may be get to a physio therapy session. Really get the hope in full swing
Reminds me of this classic:
Everyone already has Taste Buds in your asshole
I was cursed with this knowledge, and now you are too.
Next time you’re stuffing fistfuls of delicious bacon into your mouth, you might want to consider sticking a piece or two of crispy goodness into your crotch, then up your butt for good measure.
That’s a hell of a way to start an article.
Homicide would be justified, I think. Or maybe just force-feeding him shit.
I think people will figure something out when they begin to study the magical limb disappearing event and they find out you’re the only person alive who was unaffected.
“I was born with an extra arm”
Pics or it didn’t happen
Turns out it was the third leg
It might not be obvious, depending on what counts as a “limb”. Plus maybe OP already is missing one?
I am sure the mystery of disappearing limbs will FAR overtake the one person who wasn’t affected. Worldwide panic and who knows what else. You could also wish 99% of people lose a random limb, and that would mean 70 million people would still have all their limbs.
People who have to get a limb amputated and the right one gets randomly deleted: “Noice!”
The title and post kinda make me think of those 1-2 sentence horror stories.
“With tears in his eyes, the genie looks at me as he grants my third and final wish. There was nothing he could do to stop it.”
Is a finger a limb?
Is a penis a limb?
Depends how thick and long it is I think
I would wish for the ability to grant wishes for myself and others of my choosing
I could then grant myself any ability I wanted qnd essentially become a god
I would wish for everyone except me, to think of poop everytime they eat. 😈
That no-limbed motivational speaker guy is set!