A lot of autos you can use the gear selector to determine what rpm you want it to shift at, or use it to downshift. Most people just throw it in D and wonder what the other selector positions are for.
Also a lot of small manual cars suck for highway driving cause they cruise at a higher rpm. Cruising along at 120kmph at 2k rpm is pretty great.
If that is what it takes for people to demand and use more public transportation, then I am loving it.
(I live near a city and don’t need to own a car. I only ever drove manual in the past, and also got stuck in a traffic jam occasionally. IMO it wasn’t that difficult to stop and go, but it depends on your car. I had more issues with a rented big transporter, that required to release the clutch while steping on the gas. But that is just practice.
I remember driving a automatic transmission car once for 10 minutes or so, and it was very stressful, because it behaved so different.)
Try sitting in traffic for 2 hours with a stick, moving 10 feet at a time, and we can talk about how much you love manual
When people say they prefer driving a manual, the key word there is driving. Sitting in traffic sucks no matter what kind of vehicle you’re in.
People love to say this but it literally doesn’t bother me at all. It’s no worse than driving an auto in traffic.
Exactly why I drive an automatic now. Sure, standard transmissions are fun, if you have a fun car, but my little sedan isn’t exactly a fun sports car.
Driving in traffic was annoying with a stick. Never again.
A lot of autos you can use the gear selector to determine what rpm you want it to shift at, or use it to downshift. Most people just throw it in D and wonder what the other selector positions are for.
Also a lot of small manual cars suck for highway driving cause they cruise at a higher rpm. Cruising along at 120kmph at 2k rpm is pretty great.
If that is what it takes for people to demand and use more public transportation, then I am loving it.
(I live near a city and don’t need to own a car. I only ever drove manual in the past, and also got stuck in a traffic jam occasionally. IMO it wasn’t that difficult to stop and go, but it depends on your car. I had more issues with a rented big transporter, that required to release the clutch while steping on the gas. But that is just practice.
I remember driving a automatic transmission car once for 10 minutes or so, and it was very stressful, because it behaved so different.)