Would have been way funnier to make it all “macaroni” or “pasta” and leave one tiny section for “spaghetti”, because somehow that’s the distinction people make.
No, that would’ve been accurate.
By normal people do you mean the savages that have a palate sophistication of Dhaka’s sewage?
Om nom nom let’s eat some kroppkaka
I see your boiled potato dumpling and raise to the almighty jacket potato. Yes, that’s considered a “meal”.
Not only can you fuck the jacket potato but you can eat it after too.
That’s just efficient.
Since gnocchi is
pastaspaghetti does that mean that these arepastaspaghetti too?Why not? And add couscous to it as well, also wheat-based.
There’s no spagetti on there… just macaroni…
Pasta corta nowadays. Short pasta. Maccheroni is how they were called by my grand grand mother.
Might’ve been the joke
Sounds pretty sketchy IMO
Meanwhile Americans be like “they’re noodles”…
Ramen is also classified as spaghetti.
You want Pearl Harbour to happen again… that’s how you get Pearl Harbour to happen again
Spam and ramen, sounds good.
I wouldn’t mind dropping a couple of a-bombs on Japan again…
Pasta or noodles, actually.
Imagine having some culture
I know right, disgusting practice!
There’s also thin spaghetti and flat spaghetti which are made by satan to deceive us.
Flat spaghetti, known as linguine, are super!
They’re both the spaghetti
It’s pronounced pasghetti.
How is this not just a thing my dad used to say?
I think it’s a thing all dads of a certain age used to say.
Where shells? 🤌🤌
Yo where’s the farfalle at? I love me some bowties
It is already in the pot
You smoke it!?
Looks like Desert Pasta to me.
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