Is it shallow, or petty, to decide based on name alone? Yeah, pretty much, but there’s probably something, a product or service or site, that the name has made you gloss right over it or jump to it ASAP.
What are some examples that spring to mind for you?
OpenTofu. What the hell were they thinking?
I don’t eat tofu, nor been around folks that do (or do and talk about it), so I’m whiffing here. Is it because tofu spoils when left open, or is there a pronunciation part I’m missing?
It’s a fork of Terrafom, it’s an IT thing:
They started with the name OpenTF but went with this…thing.
Ooooh, it’s that kind of name. Yeah that’s bad. Thanks for clarifying!
Damn… I didn’t know that m and I’m devops though we don’t touch terraform
That’s so bad D;