Probably a boring answer but I know my grandmother’s credit card information. I live with and help take care of her, so she doesn’t mind sharing it with me. Not like I’m planning to do anything nefarious, but I guess technically it could ruin her financially.
That I’ve had to turn down some really cool overseas job opportunities. I couldn’t tell my kids that I even got the job offers because their mother (my ex wife) refuses to consider the move and how we’d need to share the kids time with them overseas.
If I told the kids (now late teens) that their dream of living overseas was stymied so far by their mother’s recalcitrance they might disown her, at least for a while.
It really sucks because not only don’t I get to take the jobs, but I also have to hide my excitement at even getting the offer from my own family so that I can maintain my kids’ relationship with their mother.
A hidden hero.
Yeah I can see how this is complicated.
I don’t see why you don’t share that you got the job offer and then tell your kids that you’ll have to work out custody arrangements with their mother. And then share with the kids how those discussions go. I think they’re old enough (as teens) to have a say in those discussions, as well as be privy to how they go.
There’s no reason they shouldn’t see it unfold in front of them; just make sure that you’re never the one to specifically say “your mother won’t work anything out with me so moving overseas with me would mean I never see you again”
Nice try, FBI.
Not today, CIA.
Go away, NSA.
Adios ASIO
Can’t catch me, CBP.
There’s a teacher at my kid’s school that I fucked multiple times a few years before I got married. She was married at the time, though I didn’t know it.
I have pictures, and videos. Not just ones with me, she kept such things with other lovers as well. She showed them to me by sending them to me. I have permission to have kept them, though I had forgotten about them until my kid started high school and I ran into her.
Now, her husband is fine with it, they’re open. He was kinda surprised when I quit having sex with her when I found out she was married (I just don’t like complications, even with mostly casual sex and minimum complications).
But if it got out at the school, or to the school board? It would be a huge problem. Our town isn’t totally backwards, but it isn’t exactly a hotbed of open minds either.
There’s no way in hell I’d ever say anything to anyone where it could be found out, and I sure as hell wouldn’t break trust and show anyone the files. But I’ve been debating erasing those files just to be sure. They’re on a drive that isn’t connected to anything, which is why I haven’t already; I’d have to dig the thing out and hook it up.
Even if her husband was OK with it, she still should have told you she was married. The fact that she didn’t would be enough to make me end it. I mean, if they have an open marriage, why avoid mentioning it?
That was my opinion as well.
She said that she didn’t think it would be a regular thing, and by the time she realized we were good enough together sexually to keep at it, she just forgot to mention it for a while.
Which, I could see that being a realistic occurrence. We didn’t exactly talk much when we would meet up.
Probably simplest to just take some power tools to the HDD.
Just make sure you’ve got a backup first
A backup … of the data you want to destroy?
Especially for data you’re going to destroy.
School boards can be wildly conservative when practicing CYA.
I was dumb enough to have been fucking my neighbor for a year. If I told her school what she gets up to, she’d be gone.
For example, her and the other neighbors were partying all night. Guess who didn’t go to work today. This is a common occurrence.
I hope that drive is encrypted
Yes, actually!
I know someone whose husband thinks her daughter is his but she isn’t. (She isn’t my daughter either lol.)
You should tell him. That’s fucked up.
My sister isn’t my dad’s.
I have to ask if you don’t mind telling: How did you find out and is your dad the only one who doesn’t know?
So I guess technically she is your half sister?
I’m a financial services professional with access to so much info that could be used for identity theft and other nefarious purposes. I’ve been doing this forever and still feel weird asking people for their checking account info.
Ex was flamboyantly gay.
The amount of straight men in relationships who will approach gay men for sex is much higher than you think.
Multiple coworkers were in his dms and he probably got propositioned weekly from people who would generally be negative towards gay people.
All it takes is a screenshot and a dm to a spouse.
The shame makes it better.
I mentioned before “spelunking” is something that is common amongst people I know, and some friends once caused a collapse because something overheated, damaging a huge source of pride.
But nobody on Lemmy will connect the dots, right? Right?
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