For me it was “buy high quality pillow” because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was … ok. Like it’s a fine pillow but my sleeping haven’t improved really, it’s basically the same. So I was disapointed :(
So, which life pro tip disappointed you?
I think when people say to but high quality items, they mean to spend what they’re worth. Getting the most expensive thing doesn’t really guarantee a quality item, but cheaping out makes it much more likely that you’ll end up with something lackluster. Plus, something like sleep can be fairly complicated and is connected to your habits, what you’ve eaten, or schedule, etc., so expecting a single change (pillow) to make a huge difference may not be realistic.
You’re usually fine using a cheap item. If you use it enough to break it, then you need a quality item.
Ah the old Harbor Freight rule
I concur with that general rule!
You also get diminishing returns.
If you spend £400 on a bike instead of £200, it might actually be nearly twice as good, but spending £2000 doesn’t mean it will be ten times as good, when you’re in to bikes that cost £10k+ you’re talking about fractions of a percent better than the one that costs many percent less.
The top of the range items are good for enthusiasts, but almost always not worth it for casual consumers.
For a $200 bike, it’s never going to work the way it’s intended to work. ANY bike you buy at a department store–and many that you buy at general sporting goods stores–will be garbage. In 1995, the rule of thumb was to spend at least $500 on a bike to get something that you could realistically ride every single day; that’s about $1000 today.
I’m saying this as someone that worked at bike stores as a mechanic off and one over about 15 years; the cheap dept. store bikes someply can’t be fixed and adjusted to work the way that their owners expect.
(PS - yes, fixies are cheap and light. No, you should not under any circumstances ride them on public streets or trails. If you do, sooner or later you will have a serious accident that will involve stitches, broken bones, possibly surgery, and probably rehab.)
I concur with you, but I’d phrase it in a different way: if your budget is $200 for a bike, you should be shopping for a used bike-shop/reputable-brand bike on Craigslist or whatever.
Also, agreed about fixies, except that switching the flip-flop hub to single-speed mode and adding brakes makes it fine.
Well, that’s why I specified fixie rather than single speed. 🙂 I’m not a fan of single speeds since they’re inefficient, but they’re not inherently unsafe, and I’m not going to tell people that they’re suicidally stupid if they ride one.
Very true for bikes in my experience. Guitars as well.
£500 - £1000 is the sweet spot for electric guitars. Anything much higher than that is the exact same guitar, just with extra bling.
Acoustic/classical guitars are a bit different and even though they still suffer diminishing returns, a higher price can be more easily justified.
“Happy Wife, Happy Life”
Some women will never be happy with you because you weren’t her first pick, just what she settled for.
You can’t make someone happy, who is unwilling to try making themselves happy. Relationships have to be equal partnerships.
Life is so much better living alone with my dog the last 10 years.
I don’t think anyone below the age of 50 has seriously believed in “happy wife, happy life”. It’s very much a boomer mentality of “pick someone you don’t love and suffer through the relationship forever”
I did for a bit but the years went by and sure she’s happy, but am I?
It’s been 5 years and we’re still together.
I think we both know it’s time.
It’s rough, man. Kids.
My dreams are screaming at me.
Am I supposed to ‘follow my dreams’? Is it literal?
I’m not sure what I want anymore, whether I’d be happier single. My subconscious yawps but I ignore it.
Last night I was cheating with 3 of my ex’s, at once, in my sleep. She said I was sleep screaming again, but I only remember the spice I felt for life. It’s been so long.
Buddy I think it’s time to talk to your wife.
Yikes dude. You need some counselling.
That’s my pro tip that is disappointing lmao
It looks worse than it is because I tried to make it poetic. Though, therapy only works if you’re actually honest with your therapist about everything (and you can truthfully say you aren’t comfortable discussing something at that time, remaining honest and expressing boundaries) but I’m not even being honest with myself. When I can get to that point and get the courage to make the choices I know deep down are right for me, then maybe I’ll try therapy again.
ITT: people telling OP what kind of pillow to buy lol
I’m too old for most recent LPT to take hold, but in my youth I heard “simplify” your lifestyle. I didn’t understand the message was directed at those with more than they needed, not people like me, living near or in poverty. There’s no need for many things, provided you have what you need and it serves you well. I know this now, but then…
people like me, living near or in poverty
Hope things improve for you, mate.
Yeah life’s better now, appreciate it tho. Not rich by any means, but not desperate or worried about how to pay bills week to week (some months are tight, but we’ve got savings now)
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Just to respond to your need for better sleep… For me, good sleep is far more about temperature, darkness, and a nice weight. So I use a weighted blanket, eye covers, and the expensive but awesome chilipad so I don’t try to sleep in a pool of sweat.
Too many people insist they know what’s best for you simply because it worked for them.
Especially annoying if you’re neurodivergent, and they evidently know nothing about it.
Maybe don’t encapsulate your options to a single store or even an irl store. A good pillow is a game changer, just because Walmart or whatever had shit selection doesn’t mean a quality pillow isn’t worth it
I’ve never had a mind-blowingly amazing pillow, but I have had some really bad ones.
Writing notes for myself to remind me to do something. The problem is that I don’t remember to look at the notes. What’s happening is that people are telling me advice that worked for them. That’s very nice of them to try, but when I’ve tried similar systems for decades and they always fail, it’s time to try something new.
Making lists is an organizational tool not a motivational one.
I have a phone with me all the time and I have to be in a specific place to see notes, so notes don’t work for me. I do have a button on my phone I can talk to and say “Set a reminder to feed the animals at 6:30” or “set a weekly reminder to take out trash at 10pm every Friday” or “text her back in an hour” and then I get an alarm I can’t really ignore, I have to do something with it.
I tried this. Same problem. If I need to remember to do something I put it in google calendar as a task I need to check off at a specific time. Highly effective… for me anyway.
I like how this turned into a pillow post.
Pillow fight?
only the grills and femboys
I’m always down for a femboy bbq
chill, dahmer
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a good recommend in those “What sub-$100 purchase changed your life?” threads. No, I don’t need a garlic smasher or a water pick.
With the right deal a Snowcaster can go sub-100 dollars and is a life changer for sure. Granted, you need snow and only a certain amount - but when that happens this guy is fucking amazing.
Where I live, I’ve had to shovel snow precisely once in the past four years. Last year, we had almost none at all.
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I had just sold a car and was flush with cash so before going to buy my new one I bought every single pillow I could find in every home goods store near me and several from online. I then spent the next month studiously comparing pillows to find the right one for me.
The final two came down to a $15 pillow and a $190 pillow.
After deciding all the other pillows got returned and then went and got my new car.
In things as subjective as a pillow high quality is rather Nebulous.
For something like a woodworking tool high quality often matters far more.
The worst life pro tip I’ve ever received? Listen to the experts, they have made it their job to know the best things and you can’t go wrong with what they say.
Car did you get?
I sold my 1985 Mercedes 500 SEL AMG and bought a 2007 Toyota Yaris Hatchback.
Honestly I can’t remember an LPT I got use out of. I think the format tends to draw inane platitudes rather than actually good life advice.
Almost every “life pro tip” I’ve seen has been either ridiculously common knowledge (LPT: wipe your butt after pooping!) or weirdly specific recommendations (LPT: most frozen ravioli or tortellini can be cooked in a bowl of water in the microwave (this one is literally on the front page of the subreddit right now!)) or just straight up ads.
Sort of related, but which pillow is best because I’ve been burned before like OP.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I listened to this advice and splurged on a $60 or $80 “customizable” (it comes with 3 different layers, you combine them how you want) pillow and holy shit, I went from a 2-3 stack pillow ‘wake up multiple times each night and re-tuck’ to a 1-pillow man that doesn’t need to touch my pillow until it’s moved for some reason.
I won’t even name the pillow because of the nature of the thread but man. New pillow life is pretty great. Sorry that you guys got burned on your shitty pillows. For what it’s worth I also tried like 5 of the most expensive (not customizable, but all had something ‘special’ that made it better’) pillows at the mattress store and they pretty much universally sucked.
Mines exactly how stiff I want it, stays cool in warm weather, doesn’t stink of memory foam (I think it did at first, instructions were to air it out), and never goes soft.
If only I could buy customizable body parts 😔
Was it Pluto?
Honestly I’ll have to look but no I don’t believe so. Just some random recommendation from a reddit comment a couple years, with multiple people praising this pillow and I’d just gotten a really nice new expensive king size bed so I said fuck it, pillow splurge time. I think I got 2 king size pillows for 160.
and I accidently got queen pillowcases instead of king and had to return them but they sent kings free of charge. so yeah, maybe get the smallest one sans pillowcase first and see if you like it. it’s a big purchase but I certainly don’t regret it. The site says it’s $84 for the cheapest smallest single pillow.
I’ve never been a tempurpedic or memory foam guy, but this pillow changed my life
Really, pillows? That’s all we got
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Yeah even with the expensive ones it’s hard to find a good one. Last time I got a pillow, I just ordered like 6 from Amazon, and tried each for a night before deciding which to keep - only one ended up being remotely good, and they were all “nice” pillows (highly rated, over $100)
Love the one I ended with though