Shit, now I’m thinking about it and you’d need something big like a flank steak or a brisket. I don’t think a pork-loin would work since it’s not broad enough. You’d still need to probably butterfly it, and then fringe the edge so you had strands to work into the braid. Best I can think of would be more like braided filled pastry than anything else. Not a terrible sway to do a stuffed roast or roulade I guess.
That’s an ordinary braid.
I could explain how you’d French braid meat but I don’t think anybody here wants that.
Talk for yourself!
Where is the French braiding meat OC?
I too would like to see French braided flesh
Shit, now I’m thinking about it and you’d need something big like a flank steak or a brisket. I don’t think a pork-loin would work since it’s not broad enough. You’d still need to probably butterfly it, and then fringe the edge so you had strands to work into the braid. Best I can think of would be more like braided filled pastry than anything else. Not a terrible sway to do a stuffed roast or roulade I guess.
I prefer to sprang my meat.