Many of you have either been trick or treating themselves or have leftover candy from handing it out for halloween.
How do you keep from eating all available candy in one go?
How do you portion out just one serving size of potato crisp and then let the rest of the bunch survive long enough to see dawn? How do you do it?
Do you usually eat everything in the house in one sitting? Do it the normal way - eat what you want based on your personal diabetes goals.
your personal diabetes goals.
😂 😭 😭 😭
- Don’t have the junk in the house
- Don’t have so much I can eat myself sick when 1 failed
- Don’t have it in sight or even within reach when 2 failed
When everything else fails, eat myself sick and get sick over the remainder. However, 1 is the main goal here.
I have a milk allergy, so I only buy milk chocolate products so I literally can’t eat the leftovers. They get pawned off on my coworkers instead.
You kinda beat the system. 😂 🤣 🧠
Appreciate the taste! Like really, analyze it and see what you can detect and if it changes. Sugar paste coated with sugar probably won’t do well with this, but chocolate does. It’s why a small box of chocolate can cost like 20€, it’s for the experience.
I have a diabetic friend and would slowly eat the candy over the course of days/weeks to give her a chance to take it all.
Personally I’ve found that “how do I stop myself from doing a Kirby impression on this junk food?” is the wrong question.
Consider asking instead, “what am I trying to get by devouring it all?” Followed by, “is there a more helpful way to meet that need?”
Me, I like to eat for sensory enjoyment/stimulation. So I use the other senses instead, with things like music or a melting wax tart or a reusable bubble wrap toy.
Very basic self-control. Do you seriously have a problem with eating your “candy stash” in one sitting? You need to speak with a doctor if this is the case.