Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?

What happens to this data? What can/do they do with it? and why are so many people concerned about google tracking them?

Do i as an average user need to be concerned?

If so, What sorts of things can i do to avoid being tracked? Preferably without too much comprimise.

    1 year ago

    Besides what other people are saying, big data is a thing, sometimes there are correlations no one is aware of, but an unbiased algorithm finds. Let me give you two facts:

    1. Insurance companies analyse personal history as well as general statistics when determining if they’ll accept you and how much they’ll charge you. e.g. a White middle aged man with some family history of heart problems will have a much higher price than a Black young woman without family history. This does not limit to insurance companies, banks can choose to not give you a loan based on any factors they choose, in fact any private business can do it.

    2. Some of the companies that do big data can predict that you’re pregnant even before you know it, just basing on random factors like search queries and email contents. Think about this for a moment, you don’t know that you’re pregnant, but because you searched certain terms (even if they’re completely unrelated to pregnancy) a company can know it. This is also true of other stuff, but because currently this is used for ads there’s not much reason to specialise this to find things like health or financial conditions.

    It’s not unlikely that in the future insurance companies could buy that data and use it as an extra point of data to give you a quote or to deny you entirely. And this would be something like In average, 90% of people living in NY who search for the price of a flight to Rome within a couple of days of sending an email with the words "cigarette" and "help" suffer a heart attack within 5 years, so because you’re trying to help a friend quit his cigarette addiction and are planning to visit Rome your insurance just went up, because there is a 90% chance you’ll have a heart attack within some years based on big data analysis.