That’s an interesting tell. Assuming you don’t have several gigs of bookmarks, The next step would be to break the bookmark file apart into multiple pieces and see which section is punking you. Hell even just exporting it to HTML, You might find a really long or malformed mark by looking over the file.
Anyway, here I go providing more support for somebody that’s not asking for it. Good luck in your endeavors
It’s not that I am not asking for it, it’s just that I’ve been through all of this multiple times. Tried things in my power to fix to no success. I have indeed became indifferent. Am guessing someone at Mozilla could have dug up where the issue lies if they cared enough but most frequent answer I’ve got from them was “do a refresh”.
Also, no, I don’t have gigabytes of bookmarks. But even if I did, that shouldn’t really affect startup time. We have databases for a reason, just query at the moment I search for them.
That’s an interesting tell. Assuming you don’t have several gigs of bookmarks, The next step would be to break the bookmark file apart into multiple pieces and see which section is punking you. Hell even just exporting it to HTML, You might find a really long or malformed mark by looking over the file.
Anyway, here I go providing more support for somebody that’s not asking for it. Good luck in your endeavors
It’s not that I am not asking for it, it’s just that I’ve been through all of this multiple times. Tried things in my power to fix to no success. I have indeed became indifferent. Am guessing someone at Mozilla could have dug up where the issue lies if they cared enough but most frequent answer I’ve got from them was “do a refresh”.
Also, no, I don’t have gigabytes of bookmarks. But even if I did, that shouldn’t really affect startup time. We have databases for a reason, just query at the moment I search for them.