Asked me to drug her at a bar and then take her home. I’m fine with CNC, but not out in public where no one else knows that first C is there.
I have no problems with CNC, but I don’t want to see your five axis mill in public
Watching a CNC mill grind away excess material is like porn to me. Very satisfying stuff to watch.
Mmmmm, throw those hot chips.
Why not? Assuming we’d have proper dust-catching, that is…
She asked me to cut her with a razor, hard no from me
I had this same experience on a second date with someone I met on Tinder. Seemed like a real fucking quick way to get myself locked up.
Meaningful human connection
Enough internet for the day. That’s gross.
Guy wanted me to burn him with cigarettes, but he didn’t smoke and neither do I. After spending 20 minutes looking for a convenience store that was open, the mood was kinda gone.
This is such a memory… I can imagine a nice and chaotic friendship after this.
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Eating her turds
Dude was doing meth before a fisting session. Fuck no to that.
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I’ve read this three times and still honestly have no idea what you’re saying and how it applies to the question.
The question asks what kinky stuff we did not consent to. I’m positive being violated applies.
No, that wasn’t the question at all… And your post had no kinks in it
The question addressed “kinky fucks”, it never said “talk about a time you were in the process of being kinky”. That’s what I was going by, that and the interpretation that “kinky fucks” referred to people who got out of a situation that involved a sexual encounter. You know, like how on AskReddit people often stylize who they’re addressing.
Jesus, did people just think the “remember the human” rule from Reddit was worth doing away with when migrating to Lemmy?
No one was being uncivil…
To be so finicky over unspoken conditions of a question isn’t exactly what I’d call civil.
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Is the R word Rectalingus?
Don’t I wish.
What’s the R word?
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Carnal knowledge of another person’s body by force or without consent
Oh shit! Hello fellow Rochesterian
Hello. I’m not in Rochester currently but I do visit a lot. How was the Avon corn festival?
Forget it, I’m removing what I said here if peoples’ norms are so needy that they can’t be sensitive to an anecdote about violation on a post that clearly asks people what they did not consent to. I screenshotted the answer and will give the screenshot to anyone who asks. This place is like the new Imgur.
I did a couple of scenes with a friend. Turns out he wasn’t really into the sex part. Just wanted to torture someone.
It was a few minutes into our second one when I realized I was just in for a few hours of pain again, so I called it.
Renegotiating consent when spaced and horny.
We planned and negotiated for a session, strictly no genital involvement agreed. When shit got intense, hot and heavy, they were very very angry with me not penising them.
Good discussions on informed enthusiastic consent were had.
Penising someone is now my new favorite euphemism for sex.
A euphemism usually is less explicit