The Destruction of Gaza’s Internet Is Complete::As Israel increases its ground operation in Gaza, the last remaining internet and mobile connections have gone dark.
This has to be about limiting videos & reports of the Israeli attack from getting out right?
Don’t know if it’s collateral or intentional, probably impossible to know for sure. I’m sure that at least some of it is intended, probably to ‘reduce Hamas communications’ or whatever.
This war is truly a mess.
I would believe intentionally, but completely agree on your last sentence.
Everyone keeps saying, “Israel can be super accurate with targeting if they want to be,” but equivocate by saying, “I don’t know if it’s intended…”
It’s one or the other, assholes. Stop changing the story.
I never said that even once.
What I do know on the other hand is accident or not, innocent deaths are happening, targeted or not civilians are dying. I’d it isn’t murder it’s manslaughter, (although American crimes are not relevant here, they make a good comparison.) There is not a single good thing coming from this war.
IDF doesn’t exactly release their reasoning behind every strike. That means all these arm chair military strategists make up whatever they feel like it is.
That makes sense. It really is a mess.
Israel the mass murderer working hard to silence the screams
Now the genocide can go unwitnessed.
I’m pretty sure we had news media before the internet, right?
But now it’s limited to what Israel wants people to see.
You’re right. It’s barely changed but you’re right.
IDF have been known to shot journalist, bombed Associated Press & AlJazeera buildings…you sure news media exist to report on the genocide on the ground?
Tf are you replying to this two day old comment for?
I’m not defending the IDF bro…
Is there a community like /r/DarkNetPlan on lemmy?
That sub was formed after Syria’s internet was cut off by government, to focus on engineering an internet that can’t be cut off by government.
This is turning to one of the most amoral ‘justified’ wars in history
Their bloodthirsty terrorists / our stalwart servicemen.
War is a game played by old men who grow rich and fat while young men die for nothing. The only solution is to stop shooting.
Voices of the Voiceless by Lowkey & Immortal Technique (NSFW)
Guerra/War by Residente
English translation of lyrics:
[Invocatory Prayer] Heavenly King, comforter, spirit of truth, you are everywhere filling everything, treasure of goods and giver of life: come to dwell in us, purify us from all stain and save, you who are good, our souls
I see you and my anger touches you; When I scream without using my mouth; And my fury eats up people; Because it bites, even thought it has no teeth;
Pain causes me no trouble; Today the pains will recite poems; I eat the world without a plate; The fear cleans my shoes.
I melted fire; Today the nightmares do not sleep because the think about me; Today I can see what the other one did not see; And I make them pray though they do not believe in God.
Today the tears cry before dying; And I make the history books take note; Let Earth’s legs start shaking; Today I came to win and I’m made of war.
(Made of war); (And I’m made of war); (And I’m made of war); (And I’m made of war); (I make them pray).
I’m the hole that was left, the bomb that was dropped; What fertilized, the mother that gave birth to me; Since I was born I’m part of the menu; Because I reached the ovum before you.
I’m the jungle that runs barefoot; In the middle of the sea I survive without raft; I’m the caudal that moves the current; The battalions that clash head to head.
My rivals, let them come two by two; Today not even thunder raise their voices at me; I’m your defeat, your two broken legs; The nail that penetrated the boot.
I’m the strategy of any combat; Today there is victory or defeat, there is no draw; I’m the sorrow of your happiness; The war at the night and the war during the day.
(The war during the night and the war during the day); (The war during the night and the war during the day); (The war during the night and the war during the day); (The war during the night and the war during the day); (And I make them pray).
I kill the war without shooting it; The war fears hugs; The war wears camouflage; So nobody sees when it gets sad.
The war loses all of it fights; When the enemies listen to each other; War is weaker than it is stronger; It can’t handle life, so it hides behind death.
(And I make them pray); (And I make them pray).
Edit: Warning. These songs and corresponding video can be emotionally intense.