Fuck this bible thumpin reactionary hillbilly dork.
“But he goes after both sides!”
No, He punches down on poor people. Fuck off with that.
Who tf is this anyway?
Apparently his name is Oliver Anthony.
Thanks friend!
I feel like I should be happy to not recognize this person.
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Image Transcription:
Picture of Oliver Anthony singing with the caption above: “When the government gives more of your tax money to corporations but you’re mad someone used EBT to buy snacks”
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Anyone have the numbers of social welfare spending vs corporate welfare spending for a recent year? Say 2020-2022? I can’t find it.
It depends on what exactly you consider social welfare and corporate welfare. There’s all sorts of ways to split the data.
Let’s be more specific and find out how much public money was spent on sugarry snacks for fat people, which is his ridiculous complaint. I’ll assume we’re not psychopaths who are generally against a social safety net.
He’s a Jewish conspiracy level Nazi.
I know this guy. I mean, not exactly this guy but pretty much.
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I can’t tell you how many people walked into my store at the height of that shit and said, “Well, I got the wuflu. It ain’t nothin’. Just a dang cold.”
Or, “shew buddy, China bug is about to wipe me out buddy. I ain’t never been so sick in my life. cough cough cough Whatchu wearing’ ‘at democrat rag for? You can still smell a fart cain’t yuh?”
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I legit actually like country music. Country music and punk rock. Both of them are just three chords and the truth
And man, when this song started, dude came in hot. I loved it. And then he went flying right off the rails.
Exactly what I thought, the first verse and most of the chorus is legit working class anxiety. The rest is blaming other victims of the system, and while it references “rich men,” it contains no criticism of their wealth, the reference to taxes is more the opposite.
I likes the song when I saw it on Tik Tok. Now I’m getting videos for right wing politics. I just thought it sounded good. Had no idea that it would become a nazi war cry.
Yeah, I get it. It’s like conservatives who use “Born in the USA” at political rallies. Sometimes you gotta listen to the lyrics
I just thought it sounded good
Listen to more music. His voice is mediocre and his message is disgusting.
Thanks for recommendation, love finding new music.
I was at guitar center shopping for a nylon classical and this kid was singing that Oliver guy’s one song in the acoustic room.
When he finished I told him that song is about me.
He also played wonder wall, no joke, 10 times.
id be willing to wager a $20 he used A.I. software and tweaked it for these lyrics. everyone commenting has been skirting, what i think, to be just a new trend in bait music.
The song is bad yet just cognitive enough to cause a stir.
Don’t forget how infectious stupid can be, especially when under pressure
As it’s relevant, let’s remember the video Hank Green posted on TikTok discussing how “for every word expressing a negative emotion in a headline, that increased the click-through rate to that article by 2.3%” and "if they make us disgusted, outraged, frustrated, scared? Then? Then we start thinking about clicking
It looks to reference this article from Nature:
Robertson, C.E., Pröllochs, N., Schwarzenegger, K. et al. Negativity drives online news consumption. Nat Hum Behav 7, 812–822 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01538-4It’s easier to be a pessimist in a pessimistic situation than to be an optimist I suppose
Throwback to when @destineenstark gave an 8m3s discussion and analysis on TikTok spelling out how DESPITE Jason Williams swearing that all the video from “try that in a ‘small’ town” is all original and genuine, one thing is from Berlin, Germany, another from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, another stock image from somewhere else…
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How so?
Let’s conflate the prime thrust of the song with just the one line where he refers to food stamps and crucify him / not hold those sewing poverty and anxiety into society to account
The lyrics are extremely basic and not creative in the slightest. They make gestures towards working class solidarity, but are petit bourgeois attitudes wrapped in redneck aesthetics for comfortable middle class folk. Songs like this are a dime a dozen, and I’m sure you can find another song like this, especially in country/bluegrass, without the racist undertones.
Oh I don’t need the song I’m just pointing out how people are providing incompetent analysis like yourself
Okay, so what in your mind is the “prime thrust” of the song. Because to me it has a pretty clear middle class perspective
This isn’t political memes
Memes supersede the idea of political memes and encompasses them as well
Can I ask what made you feel the need to share your bitching and moaning about a meme you could’ve easily scrolled by with the rest of the class?
There was somewhere this could be posted where Americans can meme about their politics, this isn’t a “general” meme that people from outside the US would understand or care about.
Let me know what else I can do for extra credit.
Users will continue to post about things that affect them in their own location, which sometimes means posting about stuff that isn’t globally understandable.
It’s meme community lmfao, are you really crying about pedantics