Like the Leia getting force powers out of nowhere in space. Sheesh.
“Somehow Palpatine returned”
Comedy gold. Literally in the opening crawl and then some background character was like “I don’t know, dark force powers, cloning or some shit” and that was all we got 🤣
Definitely needed explained better (or at all).
I don’t really mind it as a plot twist, but it shouldn’t have just come out of nowhere. I’m still not clear on exactly what is supposed to have happened there.
Also, there was that weird thing where they announced it in Fortnite, wtf was that about.
It is/was a terrible idea. It inherently devalues the end of the original trilogy and it’s incredibly lazy.
Padme dying during labor. In an advanced medical tech universe. And the lamest explanation for it “she’s lost the will to live”…
Well that’s not how girls work and it’s quite a telling the script was written by a bloke.
It was explained in one of the comics that she died because Vader was unknowingly siphoning her life energy to keep himself alive.
The scene is still dumb and definitely needed a better explanation but it is what it is at this point
Having bombing spaceships that bizzarely seem to rely on gravity was a pretty terrible way to open a film.
I’m not a 100% sure I understand this. IIRC it was bombing spaceships hovering above a planet dropping bombs into the atmosphere, correct? (Totally possible that I’m misremembering!) In that case using gravity would be absolutely fine.
I could be wrong but I could’ve sworn that while they were fighting above a planet, they were still “dropping” bombs on a ship below them.
So if the rebels have a ship that works only if you happen to be fighting above a planet with a ship below you, that’s even sillier!
Oh, the bombs were meant for another ship, not the planets surface? Then indeed gravity makes little sense, or at least it’s a very straightforward and uninspired port of the concept of bomber planes.
But I guess they wanted it to fit in with everything else… :(
Hey, didn’t I cut a scene from one of those movies? Yeah that’s the one. I want to put it back in. let’s see. Ah crap, that guy there, what’s his name? Jab…Jaffa? He needs to be a slug. Can we change that? What the hell, it’s the 90s, we can find some computer nerd to do that. Needs to be bigger too. Like, erm, bigger than the frame? Will that work? Ah what the fuck keep him man sized, he’s a space monster he can change size or some shit. That bit there - whassname, Sulu, he needs to be standing on Jagger’s tail. Just make him stand on the tail. Cut him out and move him up and down it’ll look fine. Yeah sure, I’d stand on a mafioso’s tail - it’s a power move, they respect that. What’s this scene about anyway? Yada yada, removing the bounty, yada yada… yeah I remember there was something about a bounty in one of those movies. It all fits. It’s like I planned it all in advance.
Oh man, we can’t make Han look like the bad guy! Just a quick select -> translateX -20% should do the trick.
I’d stand on a mafioso’s tail - it’s a power move, they respect that.
Straight from the book “how to make a boring scene more interesting without fixing the underlying scene layout problem that gave you the boring scene in the first place”.
In this thread: People who haven’t seen the Star Wars Christmas Special.
And that’s a good thing. Don’t see it. Don’t do it. You think you’re curious, I get it. But you’ve been warned. If you try to watch it, for goodness sake, at least bring a group of friends so that someone else will understand your lingering pain.
Grandpa Wookiee watching vr porn is something no one should have to witness
And to clarify for anyone reading along. We are not exaggerating. That’s a thing that happened in Star Wars. It’s cannon.
It’s arguably more cannon than the books. At least Grandpa woolie dies a well deserved gruesome death in the books. There’s that small comfort.
People think it’s going to be like the room, or like watching paint dry. Something that either has a familiar sense of boredom or alternatively any amount of entertainment that can be derived from watching. This is incorrect. There is no entertainment value, nothing to extract joy out of. Just a deep sense of discomfort and the overwhelming urge to literally do anything else with your time.
You understand my pain. Thank you for that.
It’s the best movie in the series!
Especially the first incomprehensible 30 minutes!
Most Jar Jar scenes.
The casino planet.
The Holdo maneuver.
Kylo killing Han.
Space popsicle Leia.
The hoverbike scene in Boba Fett. And basically anything to do with those teenagers gang members. Their bikes remind me of kitchen aid mixers meet the power rangers. The affects are so bad, the story is so bad the music is so bad. I don’t think I found one good quality in that scene. Except it made me laugh for how bad it was.
And there is another scene when they are on battle and one of them does a “cool” spin for absolutely no reason.
That’s was the scene that broke the camels back for me. Stopped watching immediately and haven’t watched anything Star Wars related since. Don’t think I ever will again either.
You’re missing a lot if you don’t watch Andor though…
At this point, I barely consider Andor to be “Star Wars”. It’s so far outside the normal shitty formula. There are like 19 real “Star Wars” shows on Disney+, and Andor just happens to share the same influences.
Nope, Leia space surfing was the worst
Any scene where people talk in the prequels.
Excluding Dexter Jexter of course
Jedi Rocks
Totally unnecessary music switch with distracting CGI silly characters completely out of tone with the rest of the scene.
I think this is the best answer here. The theatrical Palace scene had such a good tone, they totally ruined it when they added Jedi Rocks.
Yep, and there was no purpose to the scene. At least talking to Jabba in A New Hope added something, whether that was conducive to the story or not is debatable, but it at least had some purpose. Likewise, Lucas changing Han’s quick fire to a shootout does make him a little less scummy in A New Hope, even if most people feel the change was unnecessary.
But with Jedi Rocks, it’s replacing something that worked fine with something that doesn’t fit, with no clear reason why Lucas would want to change it other than for the sake of change itself.
“They can fly now??” Lamest Kenner toy ad ever. Also from the same movie: riding space horses on top of a star destroyer. Also all of that movie. What even was it called?
Oh yeah i forgot about the space horses.
“Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?” from
TFATLJ.All of Star Wars?
Well… Lumpy, Chewie’s son, watching some kind of erotic show in the Holiday Special.
The last film of the new trilogy as a whole. I’ve watched it three times now and I can not for the life of me remember the plot. There was a dagger thing and then Palpatine is in the end on a spooky crane and then they kiss and it’s weird. That’s seriously everything I can remember off the top of my head.
Seeing Obi Wan and Yoda in the original trilogy treat Darth Vader as if he’s some rando to deal with saddens me. Forgetting he has a name, glossing over his legacy, asserting his lack of humanity, constantly telling Luke he must kill him, etc. when he was thrust into the mold by them and wasn’t without reasoning makes the jedi in the original trilogy seem shittier to me than the other movies. My gal Ahsoka wouldn’t do that.