Mr lover man obviously.
Mr lover man obviously.
They clearly state they don’t use child labour, because the little cunts are too inefficient apparently. (Multiple reports show that children are specifically used in Chinese factories, including assembly lines for Apple and Samsung, because their small hand are better at assembling components.)
Volkswagen shareholders weighing up the benefits of short term gain versus long term damage…
It’s excellent on an artichoke pizza though.
Half the comments on Lemmy are people fact checking one another.
Which 2 are not a remake, sequel or adaptation?
Welcome to being older. The magic goes and the cynisism sets in. There is still hope though. If you can clear your eyes of the razzle dazzle of unfettered consumerism, you can realise it’s a nice time to spend with those you care about. Makes it an even better time of the year. Edit. I realise that sounds too flippantly jolly. My point was that for all of human history this has been a festival to stave off the deprivations of starving and freezing. I just feel this< angle is a good way to look at it.
Hard to tell without trimming the bush.
Linoleum is also antibacterial, which is a good property for a kitchen floor.
h = 6.626 070 15 x 10–32 kg m2 s–1.
He seems like a great guy. I just can’t stand his acting.
That every time people had sex, the woman became pregnant. I thought that every sex scene in a film meant the film had to be stopped for 9 months until the actress could give birth.
Da na da na da na da na Bat Eyes!
These are both subjectively true.
Clarke’s third law. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Quicksand thing is fucking stupid though.
Whist that’s a shame for Guy Pearce (Memento is one of my favourite films), I get where the exec is coming from. There’s certain actors I can’t stand and won’t watch a film they’re in. Tom Cruise, Keanu Reaves and (obviously) Mel Gibson. However, the difference is I realise I’m probably wrong, and should never be put in charge of a studio.
You from New Zealand? Look in the mirror and say “can’t”.
IIRC the NK soldiers have been fighting (and dying) in the Ukrainian occupied parts of Russia, and haven’t been deployed to the Russian occupied parts of Ukraine yet.
Common enough that they should really make them with flared bases.