Pebbleyeet on Lemmy?
Brazenly stolen from /r/stonetossingjuice because fuck reddit and it tickled my lemming.
The hilarious thing about Stonetoss is that the artist clearly has a finger on the pulse and keys in on some really gnarly American impulses to be horrible. But then he throws on a smirk and says “This is good, aktuly” in the last panel, just to remind you that he’s an absolute piece of shit.
I feel like thats just how it is to talk to conservatives. Like they get so close and then at the very last second they take a hard left and blame minorities somehow
they take a hard left and blame minorities somehow
Or a hard right, maybe?
I’ll tickle your lemming
Thought it was that nazi’s style. This doesn’t even look like they are mocking it either.
Its a rewrite. You can bet the original is way shittier because this piece of shit is way shittier.
I had to look it up because my curiousity got the better of me. Yep, it’s way shittier in the original, no surprise.
Doesn’t mean this one isn’t fucking shitty.
Let’s maybe not bring fash comics to Lemmy…
It’s from /r/stonetossingjuice - it’s a rewrite of a fascist comic ala bonehurtingjuice style.
Not gonna post the original because fuck that guy, but I do love a good subversion of fascist propaganda.
Fuckwad doesn’t even deserve the residual attention that comes from being parodied, though. He deserves nothing but obscurity.
You need to make that clear in the title.
Would you please change the title back? I know you’re joking, but we’ve had to remove personal “callout” posts from here before because it causes drama or people to gang up/stalk their comments elsewhere.
I have no defense against the Picard Maneuver. Done.
Nah, you’re helping to spread his message.
Please don’t platform nazis.
JFC, grow a sense of humor already.
First off, it’s not his work. It’s a parody. Political satire has been in use for thousands of years. Do we ban the Producers because it has “Springtime for Hitler”? No, because every person with half a brain cell knows that it’s a joke.
Secondly, following your logic, we shouldn’t discuss what these Nazi fucks do or say, because that would be platforming them. That’s exactly what they want you to do - censorship is kinda the highlight of a fascist regime.
Take a breath, pull your head out of your moral panic, and laugh a little. This /c/memes, not /c/politics.
fwiw it sounds like you may need to take a breath too.
Please don’t give this nazi a platform on lemmy.
Now do the Netherlands - Belgium border
Grey filter to slightly more grey filter… or at least that’s how it was when I visited in November.
Was talking about the terrible road quality in belgium
THAT was why the bus ride felt like a rodeo. TIL.
Kinda thankful now I took the train on the way out.