What are some of your favorite out of the ordinary names from history, religion, or fiction? Could be the name of a person, animal, place, etc.
I’ve really always liked the name Bellerephon from Greek mythology. I also like the name of the home planet of the Time Lords from Dr. Who, Gallifrey, as well as Rassilon, a Time Lord.
Here are some of my favorite names I’ve come across:
Sylphrena, a spren (type of sprite) from the Stormlight Archives
Koriel Zeth, a Adept who was in charge of “The Magma City” in a Warhammer 40k book
I used to collect and make up stupid names :
- Ada Goodwin
- Aiden Abbott
- Albert Hall
- Amanda Boat
- Amelia Cooke
- Andy Bannister
- Arthur & Holly Day, Dawn Day & Annie Day - Day’s Travel Emporium
- Barney Daley
- Ben & Eileen Dover
- Ben Nevis
- Bert Rand
- Blanche and Hugh Allbright-White
- Bob Waite
- Carrie Oakley
- Carol Singer
- Charlie (Chuck) Ball - “How very singular”
- Chit Price
- Chris Cross - Conflict Resolution
- Christopher, Lord Sandwich II (Chip Butty - a chip off the old block)
- Cliff Edge
- Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
- Didier Dolittle - schoolboy
- Donald Key
- Doreen Knox
- Dorothy Morse (Dot) - Former cryptologist at Bletchley. She’s dotty about her dachshund, Dash
- Douglas Wells
- Drew Leith
- Dustin Ledger
- Ed Clutterbuck - Librarian and wannabe author with writer’s block
- Elsa Goodfellow
- Felicity Weston - Flic
- Fleur Meadows
- Gloria Devine
- Dr. Godwin Hale & Dr. Mia Harty
- Gus ‘the’ Bus - bus driver
- Heather Moore (real)
- Holly & Hugh Wood, Hazel, Elizabeth (Betty) & Evan (grandma Olive)
- Honor Crookes
- Hugh Grant (real / stage name)
- Hugh Green (stage name)
- Iona Carr
- Isabella Bell
- Izzy Humble
- Jack & Constance Dawes - keen ornithologists
- Jack Hughes
- Jenny Darling
- Jo Lein - Joe King’s gf
- Juan Mann
- Justin Case
- Keir Royale
- Kiefer Roux
- Lance Ennis-Hand
- Liam Perrin
- Lilly & Grant Watts, Max the dog
- Logan Berry
- Lou Tennant
- Fr. Martin Dupre
- Mary Christmas
- Megan Bacon (real)
- Michelle Wordsworth (Shelly)
- Millie Boinet
- Mike West
- Minnie & Harry Driver
- Monica Marx
- Neal Standswick
- Noah & Ellie Wan
- Norman Castle
- Oliver Bath
- Orla Broad - marries Miles Long
- Dr. Ozzy Foster
- Paddy & Anne Field, and son Pete
- Paula Piano
- Pixie Locke
- Randy Vicars
- Ray Leader (lay reader)
- Prof Rebekah Elizabeth Newell
- Ray Bans
- Red Herring
- Robyn Banks
- Robin Holmes
- Rodney Marsh
- Roger Moore (real)
- Rose Hedge
- Russell Russell
- Sally & Carrie Mee
- Sam Hain - b. October 31st
- Seymore Cleverley - Optician
- Stuart Prince
- Tom Bell
- Walter Lilley
- Wendy Merryweather
- Willy Lord
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:) That’s an idea from the film The Interpreter. I like nice sounding words too.
In the spirit of this list: Max Watts
:) Nice one! Thanks
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Also the dog from Swiftly Tilting Planet.
I like long, ridiculous names like Sylvester Birtwistle from Lovecraft Investigations or Thockmorton P. Ruddygore from Jack Chalker’s Dancing Gods novels.
Sir Archibald Cunningham Nastyface
Visit The Unbelievers With Explanatory Pamphlets
Adonalsium Will Remember Our Plight Eventually
Thelsim: I like my name :)
Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokphop Noppharatratchathaniburirom Udomratchaniwetmahasathan Amonphimanawatansathit Sakkathattiyawitsanukamprasit: Bangkok’s full name. It makes it sound very stately, I wish there were more cities that did this.
Mormel: Our late cat’s name. The literal translation is mongrel, but it’s gotten a completely different meaning for me. Also in Chinese pronunciation it sounds like māo māo, which just means “cat cat” :)
Duncan Idaho from Dune. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was originally a name Frank Herbert used on a fake ID
Kurt Russell’s main stuntman was named DICK WARLOCK
R. Daneel Olivaw - not as much for the name itself but more of its significance. My AI assistant’s name is Dors Venabili.
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for some reason the name Pyrrha has a nice ring to it
I like the names of the Machine People in the Ringworld books by Larry Niven.
Vallavirgillin and Harriloprilar are my favorites, though I wouldn’t guarantee that I’ve spelled them correctly.
Ariadne. Princess of Crete who led Theseus through the labyrinth.
I like Greek mythological names and this one is beautiful.
Any idea how it’s pronounced?
I just listened to an audiobook of the same name. They pronounced it “Air-ee-odd-knee”. But I actually like the pronunciation “Are-ee-odd-neigh” better. Emphasis on the “odd” in both cases.
Gracias, amigo.
Local newspaper had a section for babies born recently in the community. Never forget this picture of a happy baby and had the most rockstar name. Frankie J Savage.
Some new twists on old names really captivate me, e.g. I met someone a while ago named Ianiel