The pipeline is you muster a private paramilitary, use it to seize total power, then you eliminate the paramilitary leaders who may turn against you, roll the rest into the proper military, and let the fanaticism corrupt the whole thing to your benefit.
Not just Trump. Non-MAGA America needs to stand up to all of MAGA. Removing some of the leadership would help, but it’s doubtful now whether that can happen through any democratic or judicial means.
Oh my, that’s some good ol’ fashioned privatized fascism there. Don’t want to have it socialized.
I’m sure taxpayers will foot the bill for this through…their…taxes??
The pipeline is you muster a private paramilitary, use it to seize total power, then you eliminate the paramilitary leaders who may turn against you, roll the rest into the proper military, and let the fanaticism corrupt the whole thing to your benefit.
night of the long knives: coming to a north american nation near you!
Not just Trump. Non-MAGA America needs to stand up to all of MAGA. Removing some of the leadership would help, but it’s doubtful now whether that can happen through any democratic or judicial means.
No, we need to stop conservative evangelical christian fascists.
Isn’t all facsism privatized? Like, isn’t that part of the definition?