The sheriff approached this woman in plainclothes and put his hands on her. I’d bet real money if he had been in uniform and acted with the most basic level of courtesy (“you need to leave, I’ll escort you out”) she would have complied.
He should be booted from office and the security company’s license revoked.
Exactly, it made me so angry and upset for her. When she kept asking who the two security guys were and they (and the sheriff) said nothing while assaulting her. They were just in black suits, for all she knew this was an abduction in plain sight.
You could hear the mix of anger and panic in her voice that anyone would feel being accosted by two strange men. Absolutely disgusting and horrifying.
Is it normal for a “legislative town hall” to be organized by one party’s central committee?
For autocrats and dictators, yes.
I mean, in my area the town halls put on for our super based Oregon democratic senators to visit are typically scheduled/MC’ed by the county democratic party committee. Or at least assisted in some capacity. That’s not unusual.
The suppression of dissent by the Republican’s personal brownshirts is the unusual part. Focus on that.
It’s not the “town hall” aspect I’m wondering about, it’s the “legislative”. The name implies that they’re seeking input from the general public in their role as legislators, not politicians campaigning for their party.
Well, after reading the article…
Borrenpohl said the turning point came when Rep. Ron Mendive, R-Coeur d’Alene, spoke…
So, actual GOP legislators were there, but not fully enumerated by the article’s author.
“I have no idea who the men I ordered to drag this woman away are,” said the sheriff.
Special note here, he was the one that called them over and told them to remove her, he then told his officers to charge her with trespassing, and they declined as it was a event on publicly funded grounds open to the public. So this guys a real lying ass liar on a lot of these claims.
Video of the dragging:
I hope she sues and gets enough to flee the country comfortably…
The gofundme is here: It’s doing well, it’s great to see how many people care about openly-violent fascist thugs being paid for by the sheriffs office and used to beat up non-compliant citizens. I donated.
These thugs are certainly masters of the “Idaho incel” look, and of not much else.
fascists gonna fash