• 111 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2023


  • Watch for the prices on goods+services to go up 2x-3x that rate, with manufacturers citing “Covid” (of course, that’ll never get old, they’ll be blaming their gouging on that in 2100AD if anyone is still around) and “inflation” (again). Along with the price gouging, there’ll be plenty of shrinkfllation too, blamed on the same factors, and also on “for our customers’ convenience, we’re proud to announce the Super-sized Product”, in a smaller package, at twice the unit price. And that’s if unit prices continue to be displayed to the public at retail locations. Retailers will most likely remove unit prices altogether, for “our customer’s convenience”, because customers want less information about pricing, yep.

    My email service provider just jacked up the price I pay by 46%, for no substantial change in service, and justified (of course) by Covid and the usual twaddle. I’m dumping them, because I can. The only way to fight back is to stop spending money.

  • And for those who didn’t click the link, the ‘visceral fury’ is that of the judges. Not of Cheeto, which is the way I first read it. It sounds like a headline mean to provoke fear of Drumpf, 'Oh no, daddy is mad, really mad, quick, hide under the bed!". No. Pity, it would be all the better if it was Orange Diaper Baby’s visceral something or other (probably filling his diaper), it’s fun to watch a spoiled brat rage. Muskrat is already coming unhinged at not being able to play with ALL the toys he wants.