A new lawsuit filed in federal court last month alleges that the Baton Rouge Police Department ran a “torture warehouse” where members of its Street Crimes Unit strip searched, beat, and otherwise humiliated people and then released them, often without their being charged with a crime. Soon after the lawsuit was filed, the FBI opened a civil rights investigation into the allegations of misconduct at the now-shuttered warehouse known as “the BRAVE Cave.”
oh noes, glorified parking tickets task force will not be able to assassinate on the job :'<
there are trained social workers and there are proper SWAT teams to replace this fat underbelly of bureaucracy and corruption
Sarcasm aside, there’s still gangs and prostitution and shoplifters and domestic violence and all that. Some sort of public safety mechanism needs to exist.
Oh my god, prostitution? What will we do in a world where two consenting adults trade services for money? Thank god we have paid murderers on hand to ensure that can’t happen!
Sure, let’s overlook the girls forced into prostitution and pretend they are all consenting adults. Until it is legalized and regulated it’s is an area prone to abuse and exploitation.
Gangs and DV are often problems the cops themselves are some of the worst offenders in, and sex work should be legal anyways.
Shop lifting is best handled through trial afterwards rather than intervention during.
The rare instances where an intervention of force is actually necessary could be covered by NG reserves or FBI field agents if a force is seriously so incompetent that they bankrupt themselves on liability.
Slowly we’re getting back to “cops, but without corruption”
the police does not PREVENT any of it
No, but how do we as a society respond, thoughts and prayers or some sort of actual response?
I’d love to hear your suggestions.
Lol. Love the downvotes.
No response! Only criticize!
Welcome to lemmy