so you saying, he got turned into a a customer?
🎨📲 Design Coder
so you saying, he got turned into a a customer?
still fail to do what they’re designed to
they were designed to create chinese botnet, and they will
«anti-cheat» is the same as «anti-terror» — a gift-paper wrapper
i have latest drivers on my gtx1060, why it still runs slow on 4K ultra??
the police does not PREVENT any of it
oh noes, glorified parking tickets task force will not be able to assassinate on the job :'<
there are trained social workers and there are proper SWAT teams to replace this fat underbelly of bureaucracy and corruption
we have discord matrix at home
go focus on real problems then…
just tell me how much of that real problem can you personally solve?
coz i know for me it’s zero.
at least they still hire actors (for now (unfortunately for disney) )
the ghost of obsolescence
the 4ᵗʰ ghost of christmas
and any war-machine to a metal-crab: tank, or tank with wings