I am not a guy who used to pay attention to clothing fashion because I felt it was expensive and hard to follow those ever changing trends. But I am seeing lot and lot people keeping up well with trend. I feel like I am falling behind and I need to stay up with the trend too.

So how do I stay up with the clothing trends with not spending too much time on it? How do you stay up to date with it?

  • novibe@lemmy.ml
    23 days ago

    If you don’t love fashion, don’t try to “keep up with trends”.

    Think of it this way. Fashion can be a hobby. You can spend hours every week researching, studying, searching for clothes. You can participate in message boards or discord groups for it. You can travel just for it.

    Like photography. Like working out. Like gardening.

    You can still like to take some pictures, and want them to be nice, without making photography your hobby. Same with going to the gym, or keeping some plants in your apartment.

    So if fashion is not the hobby for you, don’t worry about it too much. Just learn what is good for you. Don’t care about the trends.

    You can dress in any style nowadays tbh.

    Just be mindful of getting a good fit on your clothes. Make sure the length of the pants is right, they fit well around the waist etc.

    Maybe find a couple of ppl on social media you like the way they dress, and just passively absorb their content while scrolling.

    Then go shopping from time to time, when you feel the need for a piece of clothing. Like maybe you need new pants, maybe you need new shoes.

    You’ll have an idea of what kind of stuff you like, how you’d like to have your clothes fit etc.

    But yeah, you don’t have to make fashion a hobby if you don’t want to. Trends are for kids and fashion autists.