When I lived in New Jersey, I’d sometimes visit my sister in NYC and usually we’d hit up a comedy club. One time, Jim Gaffigan wandered in and did 10 minutes, totally killed it.
During his set, he mentions that he’s a regular person and just wants to be treated the same way we’d treat any of our friends. I gave him a high five as he exited near my table.
A couple weeks later, I see him walking down the street, I say “hey Jim!” And he responds “hey…” like he was confused why he didn’t know me. The next time I saw him randomly on the street, I asked if we’re still on for lunch on Tuesday. He stopped walking and asked “what?” I kept waking and shouted, “great! See you on Tuesday!”
The following Tuesday, I made no attempt to see Jim Gaffigan for lunch the same way I would for any friend who didn’t give me their number or make a true attempt to confirm plans.
After my dad died, I moved back to Texas and haven’t seen Jim Gaffigan since. So now I talk shit about about him behind his back like I would for any unreliable friend.
Tldr: had three brief interactions with Jim Gaffigan, dude is incredibly patient and pleasant. 10/10, would invite him to lunch and not show up again cuz he’s an unreliable asshole of a friend.
What a rollercoaster
John Goodman once gave me cocaine at a bar near the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, and none of my coworkers were there to see it so they didn’t believe me.
Robert downy wears black face. People still love him.
John goodman wears a kkk hood, people love him.
I fuck one goat…
Ew. Goat fucker.
I had a similar experience, except I said “you’re the guy from Big Lebowski!” and he said yep and then smashed my car windows with a crowbar.
An ex met Keanu Reeves on an airplane when she was ten and said he was very kind and gave her his autograph. I hope both of these men remain awesome and no awful secrets come out to damage my appreciation for their being good dudes.