To paraphrase CS Lewis, "FriendshipCasual sex is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
CS Lewis has never had to choose which travel companion to cannibalize during a mountaintop snow storm. Unless your acquaintances look particularly diseased, they’re usually the easiest choice. Friendship can save your life. Take that, you timeless fuck
To paraphrase CS Lewis, "
FriendshipCasual sex is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”IDK. I think about killing myself a lot less when I’m getting laid regularly.
CS Lewis has never had to choose which travel companion to cannibalize during a mountaintop snow storm. Unless your acquaintances look particularly diseased, they’re usually the easiest choice. Friendship can save your life. Take that, you timeless fuck
man, imagine thinking having friends has no survival value, if you didn’t know Lewis’ family was well off, this would make it obvious.
I wonder how many people less of our species were on earth w/o casual sex. It doesn’t have survival value for one personally, though.
I have no education on this matter but I’m going to confidently say at least 1/8 of the planet. 1/5 of the western world, and asia, I’d say 1/3