I’m sure a lot of people already know it, but for those who don’t, it’s simply the largest collection of free stuff on the Internet. You can check it out at https://fmhy.pages.dev/ or https://fmhy.net/. Have a great time!
Does this have an onion link? Probably a good idea to set that up before the page attracts too much attention or it’ll likely get the Z-Library treatment.
What’s the z-library treatment?
Domains were seized.
Well funnily enough they are back, but I get what you mean its always good not to rely on just one thing. Also zlib does have an onion link.
From what I remember you can download it if you want to save it completely https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/backups/. They recommend using the markdown files
Also on [email protected]
Very quiet over there.
It’s supposed to be… There is usually just a monthly post announcing what changes have been made to lists. Who has been declared worthy. Who has been demoted because hidden code has been found (e.g. Bitcoin miners found, etc…)
Holy shit, a true gold mine! ✨
Over 16 years on the internet I’ve been looking for something like this… 🤯
Thank you
Well that’s just fucken nifty