- The Simpsons. Let it die, Fox/Disney.
- Futurama. The Fox seasons is it’s golden age. Now the show is sci-fi South Park. They have a show set in the future, but the writers make episodes based on the present.
- The Walking Dead. TWD dyed in season 2. They made 13 episodes out of 6 issues of the comic. It was poorly written, characters act like idiots, and the twist in Episode 7. You can see it coming from a mile away.
Most things on Fox News.
I used to watch most of these, but I just stopped. Never once did I want anything cancelled. Oh except for Fox News. That’s probably the only correct answer.
I think you don’t want the shows to be canceled you want them to have a finale.
The reality TV show Cheaters. That moment when people consider it in good taste to bother others for not following relationship norms, setting the memory of their “misdeed” in stone forever, whether or not good faith was in mind by the people in the context or not. Sometimes cameras seem like the worst thing to happen to “honor culture”.
Doubt I will ever watch it again, but I take a certain comfort in the constance of the Simpsons.
I’m shocked to see there are people that still watch TV shows. I thought network TV was an ‘all but dead’ medium.
I think many people, myself included, still refer to strictly streaming shows as TV shows.
Why should you want to cancel shows? When you don’t like the show, don’t watch. When nobody likes a show, nobody watches, no ad income -> exit show.
Of your example, I never heard of the last one, and to be honest, the name doesn’t sound interesting enough to find out whatnit’s about. Simpsons I haven’t seen in ages (does it still run?) And I’m happy with the 2nd reboot of Futurama, rewatching from the start.
Just because you don’t like a show it should be canceled. Ignoring it is way easier. When it’s worth to have it canceled, it’s not worth to fuss about.
“I don’t like this thing therefore nobody should like this thing”
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