Empathy, Solidarity. Openmindedness.
Also, teaching them to be independent and self assured, being able to speak their mind.
That every action has its consequence, good or bad.
Showing how to cope with a loss. I don’t mean death i mean like losing in a game or failing in math. I never lost as a kid so didn’t develop how to cope with losing. So when i failed for the first time in university and i dropped out(Completed it later). but to this day i never attempt anything out of fear of losing. Im still trying hard to overcome it. So don’t let your kids win every time when playing board games or something.
Acceptance and tolerance of others, being able to get along with people. Being able to see things from another’s perspective. Also self-acceptance.
Inquiry, wondering about the world, wanting to know things, learning and not getting stuck in their thinking, openness to change.
I guess in short be nice and be smart are the top two.
It’s okay to be happy alone.
You don’t need a wife. You don’t need to have kids. It’s cool to just enjoy yourself.
- critical thinking
- love
- do whatever you want, but do no harm
pretty much all you need. everything good flows from this
Value yourself, just don’t overdo it. Value others as equal to yourself.
Important because many of the ways people take advantage of each other rely on the individual not valuing themselves. Whether it’s underpaid work or abusive relationships, people who have balanced self worth make terrible targets.
Other traps arise from valuing yourself too highly and treating others as less valuable. It pushes away kind and wise people, it justifies harming others for personal benefit.
Being wrong isn’t bad, it’s an opportunity to grow.
Kindness, empathy, and compassion.
Understanding, common sense and a sense of justice for what is morally right…
Pride in themselves, love for others, and fairness to those they don’t agree with…
Being a ‘good’ person even when they don’t feel like being one… because it is the kind, correct and morally right thing to do.
Some people seem to struggle to learn this one.
Not to be impressed by money and looks.
Honesty, integrity, self-control, perseverance, and how to treat others well.
and how to navigate media to get to the truth of the mater, no matter if it agrees with your ideas or not.
Honesty, tolerance, treat others as you want to be treated, leave everything the same as or better than you found it. Critical thinking to protect yourself and others from misinformation. Advocate for privacy, some random website does not need your real name, address, and birthdate.
Golden rule.
Intelligence is not an inherited thing you just born with… In the long run hard work studying beats an intelligent person who doesn’t want to work hard…
Failing is not a big deal …it’s more important to try again, change plans if needed, but always try again
Music is beautiful and has so much more beyond pushed content from social networks… I try to show my kid some jazz, blues and Brazilian music
And sure…that the government can’t give us something without robbing someone else first…that there’s no such a thing as free stuff