Too many “what got cancelled too soon” questions, what’s a show that went on too long?

Hard mode: no The Walking Dead

  • @[email protected]
    12910 months ago

    Game of thrones. They should have ended it when they caught up to the books. Just leave it unfinished. That’s not satisfying but better than what we got.

    • @[email protected]
      3010 months ago

      I was gonna binge this show after it ended but I can’t bring myself to watch a show that I know has a shit ending, so it will forever be one of those shows I missed

      • @[email protected]
        2410 months ago

        If you’re okay with the head canon, just stop watching when the wall falls. White walkers won, humanity has ended. GG.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        It was awesome. Definitely worth the watch for anyone that can get over the ending. Maybe if you know it’s bad going into it you won’t be as disappointed 😂

      • @[email protected]
        1310 months ago

        I started reading the series around 2002, when there were 3 books. Martin released book 4 in 2005. In the afterward of the book he said that book 6 was basically already done… book 6 didn’t come out for 6 more years (2011).

        It’s been 12 years. We’re waiting on book 7. Given his age, it doesn’t seem like the series will be finished by Martin. Hopefully he actually does know what happens through the rest of the story and has it down for whoever takes up the mantle.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        The actors would have aged way more than their characters at that point. Especially the kids and the very old characters.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      7 months ago

      Spoilers ahoy. If you’ve not seen game of thrones, read on to get the disappointment out of the way now

      I disagree wholeheartedly. As much as “who’s got a better story than bran” sucked, I think that was likely the ending that was intended in the books as well (and the extreme backlash against it is why we’ll never see the last books). GRRM stated on multiple occasions that he was working closely with HBO and that they knew the general shape of the story he was trying to tell.

      I feel like the majority of the problem with GoT was Benioff and Weiss. GRRM wanted at least two more seasons in which to tell the story (and, knowing what we know now, to delay the revelation that he didn’t really have a way to untangle the story he tangled), HBO made it clear that they would keep riding the money train no matter how far the station, but D&D wanted to wrap the series up ASAP so they could work on producing some Star Wars films. That’s why Jon goes from Dragonstone to the wall in a single cut. That’s why the entire war with the nights king that was central to the whole series was over in an episode. That’s why Dani went psycho in her moment of victory. That’s why cersei’s death was so predictable that it’s a cliche in ttrpgs, that’s why cleganebowl was ultimately disappointing, that’s why the resolution to dragons being in westeros was “idk he just left lol”, that’s why the resolution to aryas story was “idk she just left lol” (even after several seasons developing her character as someone who believes that if Starks don’t stick together they’ll be destroyed), that’s why the resolution to the war in the north was “idk the north…won? but also surrendered? lol”, that’s why LRJ didn’t matter at all, that’s why the spider went from being the most politically adroit character on the show to doing a whole musical number entitled “Do You Wanna Do A Treason?”, that’s why littlefinger’s whole trial was “we know he’s a dick just kill him”, and the fact that House of the Dragon is being made by people who want to make it is why its almost as good as the first 5 seasons of GoT

      It all comes down to the fact that they wanted the show to just be over, and now it is I suppose.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I personally think of it as “seasons 1-5 happened, then there was a huge, mysterious time jump, and the last 2 episodes of season 8 happened”.

        I can see the ending happening, it’s just… Dum&Dumber couldn’t figure out how to get there, and GRRM was too rich and lazy to do what he was supposed to do to get them there.

        Actually I think many people agree with you. I can see the ending happening, it’s just… Dum&Dumber couldn’t figure out how to get there, and GRRM was too rich and lazy to do what he was supposed to do to get them there.

        I personally think of it as “seasons 1-5 happened, then there was a huge, mysterious time jump, and the last 2 episodes of season 8 happened”.

    • @[email protected]
      010 months ago

      Isn’t the main sticking point that they segwayed before the books ran out somewhere before Dorn? and/or they had material supplied to them and basically willfully threw it in the trash?