A judge in Washington state has blocked video evidence that’s been “AI-enhanced” from being submitted in a triple murder trial. And that’s a good thing, given the fact that too many people seem to think applying an AI filter can give them access to secret visual data.

  • Bobby Turkalino
    -792 months ago

    Everyone uses the word “hallucinate” when describing visual AI because it’s normie-friendly and cool sounding, but the results are a product of math. Very complex math, yes, but computers aren’t taking drugs and randomly pooping out images because computers can’t do anything truly random.

    You know what else uses math? Basically every image modification algorithm, including resizing. I wonder how this judge would feel about viewing a 720p video on a 4k courtroom TV because “hallucination” takes place in that case too.

    • @[email protected]
      512 months ago

      There is a huge difference between interpolating pixels and inserting whole objects into pictures.

      • Bobby Turkalino
        -232 months ago

        Both insert pixels that didn’t exist before, so where do we draw the line of how much of that is acceptable?

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Look it this way: If you have an unreadable licence plate because of low resolution, interpolating won’t make it readable (as long as we didn’t switch to a CSI universe). An AI, on the other hand, could just “invent” (I know, I know, normy speak in your eyes) a readable one.

          You will draw yourself the line when you get your first ticket for speeding, when it wasn’t your car.

          • Bobby Turkalino
            -92 months ago

            Interesting example, because tickets issued by automated cameras aren’t enforced in most places in the US. You can safely ignore those tickets and the police won’t do anything about it because they know how faulty these systems are and most of the cameras are owned by private companies anyway.

            “Readable” is a subjective matter of interpretation, so again, I’m confused on how exactly you’re distinguishing good & pure fictional pixels from bad & evil fictional pixels

            • @[email protected]
              112 months ago

              Being tickets enforced or not doesn’t change my argumentation nor invalidates it.

              You are acting stubborn and childish. Everything there was to say has been said. If you still think you are right, do it, as you are not able or willing to understand. Let me be clear: I think you are trolling and I’m not in any mood to participate in this anymore.

              • Bobby Turkalino
                -112 months ago

                Sorry, it’s just that I work in a field where making distinctions is based on math and/or logic, while you’re making a distinction between AI- and non-AI-based image interpolation based on opinion and subjective observation

                • pm_me_ur_thoughts
                  72 months ago

                  Okay, I’m not disagreeing with you about the fact that its all math.

                  However, interpolation or pixels is simple math. AI generated is complex math and is only as good as its training data.

                  The licence example is a good one. In interpolation, it’ll just find some average, midpoint, etc and fill the pixel. In AI gen, if the training set had your number plate 999 times in a set of 1000, it will generate your numberplate no matter whose plate you input. to use it as evidence would need it to be far more deterministic than the probabilistic nature of AI gen content.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              You can safely ignore those tickets and the police won’t do anything

              Wait what? No.

              It’s entirely possible if you ignore the ticket, a human might review it and find there’s insufficient evidence. But if, for example, you ran a red light and they have a photo that shows your number plate and your face… then you don’t want to ignore that ticket. And they generally take multiple photos, so even if the one you received on the ticket doesn’t identify you, that doesn’t mean you’re safe.

              When automated infringement systems were brand new the cameras were low quality / poorly installed / didn’t gather evidence necessary to win a court challenge… getting tickets overturned was so easy they didn’t even bother taking it to court. But it’s not that easy now, they have picked up their game and are continuing to improve the technology.

              Also - if you claim someone else was driving your car, and then they prove in court that you were driving… congratulations, your slap on the wrist fine is now a much more serious matter.

    • Flying Squid
      162 months ago


      Whenever people say things like this, I wonder why that person thinks they’re so much better than everyone else.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Tangentially related: the more people seem to support AI all the things the less it turns out they understand it.

        I work in the field. I had to explain to a CIO that his beloved “ChatPPT” was just autocomplete. He become enraged. We implemented a 2015 chatbot instead, he got his bonus.

        We have reached the winter of my discontent. Modern life is rubbish.

      • Bobby Turkalino
        -52 months ago

        Normie, layman… as you’ve pointed out, it’s difficult to use these words without sounding condescending (which I didn’t mean to be). The media using words like “hallucinate” to describe linear algebra is necessary because most people just don’t know enough math to understand the fundamentals of deep learning - which is completely fine, people can’t know everything and everyone has their own specialties. But any time you simplify science so that it can be digestible by the masses, you lose critical information in the process, which can sometimes be harmfully misleading.

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          LLMs (the models that “hallucinate” is most often used in conjunction with) are not Deep Learning normie.

            • @[email protected]
              -12 months ago

              I’m not going to bother arguing with you but for anyone reading this: the poster above is making a bad faith semantic argument.

              In the strictest technical terms AI, ML and Deep Learning are district, and they have specific applications.

              This insufferable asshat is arguing that since they all use fuel, fire and air they are all engines. Which’s isn’t wrong but it’s also not the argument we are having.

              @OP good day.

              • Bobby Turkalino
                01 month ago

                When you want to cite sources like me instead of making personal attacks, I’ll be here 🙂

                  • Bobby Turkalino
                    1 month ago

                    Ok but before you go, just want to make sure you know that this statement of yours is incorrect:

                    In the strictest technical terms AI, ML and Deep Learning are district, and they have specific applications

                    Actually, they are not the distinct, mutually exclusive fields you claim they are. ML is a subset of AI, and Deep Learning is a subset of ML. AI is a very broad term for programs that emulate human perception and learning. As you can see in the last intro paragraph of the AI wikipedia page (whoa, another source! aren’t these cool?), some examples of AI tools are listed:

                    including search and mathematical optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and methods based on statistics, operations research, and economics

                    Some of these - mathematical optimization, formal logic, statistics, and artificial neural networks - comprise the field known as machine learning. If you’ll remember from my earlier citation about artificial neural networks, “deep learning” is when artificial neural networks have more than one hidden layer. Thus, DL is a subset of ML is a subset of AI (wow, sources are even cooler when there’s multiple of them that you can logically chain together! knowledge is fun).

                    Anyways, good day :)

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      computers aren’t taking drugs and randomly pooping out images

      Sure, no drugs involved, but they are running a statistically proven random number generator and using that (along with non-random data) to generate the image.

      The result is this - ask for the same image, get two different images — similar, but clearly not the same person - sisters or cousins perhaps… but nowhere near usable as evidence in court:

      • @[email protected]
        -122 months ago

        Tell me you don’t know shit about AI without telling me you don’t know shit. You can easily reproduce the exact same image by defining the starting seed and constraining the network to a specific sequence of operations.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      computers can’t do anything truly random.

      Technically incorrect - computers can be supplied with sources of entropy, so while it’s true that they will produce the same output given identical inputs, it is in practice quite possible to ensure that they do not receive identical inputs if you don’t want them to.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        IIRC there was a random number generator website where the machine was hookup up to a potato or some shit.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Bud, hallucinate is a perfect term for the shit AI creates because it doesnt understand reality, regardless if math is creating that hallucination or not

    • TurtlePower
      02 months ago

      You know what else uses math? Tripping on acid. From the chemistry used to creat it, to the fractals you see while on it, LSD is math.

      • Bobby Turkalino
        12 months ago

        Except for the important part of how LSD affects people. Can you point me to the math that precisely describes how human consciousness (not just the brain) reacts to LSD? Because I can point you to the math that precisely describes how interpolation and deep learning works.