Oh God, it’s all over now, the bed bug experts have been compromised
Oh God, it’s all over now, the bed bug experts have been compromised
This meme format is so dumb, I love it
That phrase is just objectively cool beans, though
Is Pepe cool again? Did we reclaim him?
Well now I know what to do with the other one
I abandon my plans of defeating Ruby Weapon and just get in the Highwind and go to the Golden Saucer.
Dieser Tag ist Bananen. B-A-N-A-N-E-N.
Honestly I once did this to my desktop environment because I saw a huge list of packages and ignored it because I thought they were packages that could be upgraded, not that it was going to uninstall my fucking desktop lol
That’s almost exactly how I got started, except instead of Turbo C++ and Turbo Pascal it was whatever free or bootleg programming language I could get my hands on. I remember when I first learned Java I used an online compiler where you just plopped your code in a text box, then I found some compiler called not javac
, but jc
. I pointed it at the directory for the Java class library in Netscape and I was off to the races lol