Just get ltsc image from Microsoft and crack it. Its much less of a hassle
What ?
Oh our hands were tied. What could we do. We couldnt anger Israelis. God forbid
But… Us list Is accurate be aise trump says so
No I meant putting it on a vps and giving family members login access so they can all save their photos and share within the network
Is this for families to share photos privately?
But… you must start at October 7.
Let’s focus on fighting over the “actual” number of injured and how many of the deceased were would be terrorists and how neutralizing them was the utmost priority of the Israeli government as their national integrity and safety depended on it. Right of self defence to the moon
Oh. Nothing to see here. Israel has a right this defend itself from terrorists.
Funny how Ukraine is being supported for the reason of “fighting occupation” that is Russia and russia bad.
At the same time, Palestine is being given collective punishment because they are terrorists for fighting for their human rights and water and food and medicine and their own homeland.
Because they are fighting a country doing oppression and apartheid and not “terrorizing citizens”.
What do you mean by mod apps?
Geneva convention is anti semetic.
Things have gone so far south now.