In fact, Israel’s attack on Gaza has resulted in emissions from the first 120 days to exceed the annual emissions of 26 individual countries.
In fact, Israel’s attack on Gaza has resulted in emissions from the first 120 days to exceed the annual emissions of 26 individual countries.
The law isn’t specifically for TikTok. Its to allow the US government the ability to ban any foreign owned company.
I believe it is approximately here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w2dmLbTR9qwWZHoq9
That area has the last working payphone by Verizon in New Hampshire.
Because Iran has threatened Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza
Same as RadioFreeAsia which is the only source for all those weird North Korea articles, like “Kim Jong-Un says NK found a Unicorn!” Or “All NK boys have to get the same haircut!”
Short for avatar, which used to be the name for profile pictures
It was one of my favourite comics as a kid (honestly still is) alongside Calvin & Hobbes
The 30k civilians, mostly women and children, are terrorists?
It’s not popcorn, it’s general grain. Corn isn’t really grown in Palestine
The humanitarian corridors which are actually forced displacement (you know, Genocide method) AND that they’ve continued to bomb?
The leaflets with QR codes that most people can’t scan because Israel shut off all electricity and internet access in Gaza, which also makes evacuation more difficult for civilians?
The aid that they repeatedly and continuously refuse to let enter Gaza?
The roof knocking that was abandoned as a practice in October, and was never a successful method of warning for civilians?
Or Israel ends the illegal occupation and genocide
Maybe they don’t think you’re hot enough /s
Most male dogs hump your leg regardless of who you are
This is after they “resumed” water supply (mostly coming from Egypt’s side).
“Wastewater and desalination facilities were shut down in mid-October due to fuel and electricity shortages and have been largely inoperable since, according to the Palestinian Water Authority.”
Dropping 2000lb bombs in refugee camps is not “precision bombs”
It’s checks in American English.
I could’ve sworn I’ve seen almost an identical comic strip like this a decade ago