Does route calculation happen on device or on Google servers? Is it cheaper for Google to not show alternate routes?
Does route calculation happen on device or on Google servers? Is it cheaper for Google to not show alternate routes?
That movie couldve been so much more…
Some good ideas here. Probably go with a word limit in your last bullet instead of the 5 minutes
How’s that strategy working out for you? For us?
Unfortunately “don’t give them money” doesn’t work. Bc commerce is global due to internet. There will always be uninformed buyers in every product space. And always buyers who don’t care.
My solution, posts like this. We should be informing others of these practices and discussing ways to bypass, repair, or disable blocks and unintended behavior on the products and services we purchase.
I want to believe!
Let’s hope good people continue to do good things in every way they are able.
Thank you everyone trying to make things better.